Tarot Blog Hop 49 - Continued

Jay Cassels • February 1, 2023


Beginning Again

Normally I'd associate starting a fresh or beginning again with writing my 50th issue for the TBH (as it's fondly known), but then I did a little bit of numerology. Looking at it this is my 49th edition, which are the numbers 4 + 9 respectively.  

4 in itself is the number of foundation, think of a house, an office building, or a room within an oval sturcture, each have four point, each point is the foundation of the room.

Now consider 9 on its own, the number of divinity and spiritual pursuits. It's associated with The Hermit, within the Tarot itself. It's part of the holy trinity of Maiden, Mother, Crone and Father, Knave, and Master if you find the male counterpart to the trinity. 

When you combine 4 + 9 together, you create the number for the traditional coven, which is 13. So for this being my 49th edition for the Tarot Blog Hop, it is also a great launch point for me to start again, in perhaps more ways than just the Hops.

Since this wheel started to turn at the Samhain Soltice, I have had the distinct feeling that change was in the air, even at the closing of the year, it became a stronger sense of change, and yet I could not place what the change was, and how it would manifest.

Yet, December yeilded answers that I hadn't anticipated or could have even planned, let alone dream of happening. Facing my mortality, wasn't exactly on my Solstice list put it that way, and yet that's exactly what happened. Since then, I put into motion something that needed done, I confronted a few old wounds and healed them, and until this moment I didn't actually have words to describe what I felt inside myself, and healed is exactly that.

Yesterday, and this is what prompted the core of this post, and the origination of the idea, which you'll see a little bit later on. I was completing my Swedish Massage Diploma, which alongside my Anatomy and Physiology Diploma(s) - more on that in a moment - gave me a great sense of joy and completion, but also had me in a position of giving my 'body' for the day a palm reading.

Yeah, a palm reading! Talk about an unusual set of circumstances, laying face up on the massage bed, and having your palm read, when you only came in to be the practice model for the front of body routine, (this happens more frequently than I care to admit). Well, I realised that I have latent talents, that I rarely explore, numerology, palmistry, and runes/ogaham being but a few.

The other is my deep curiousity when it comes to anatomy and physiology. Thing is 7.5 years ago, I walked away from both because of two consecutive back experiences. Both of which only happened because I allowed myself to surrender my power to others and even though I reclaimed it, I never acknowledged the damage or the ripples that went along with reclaiming that power.

Which brings us full circle more or less to the topic of beginning again, and the sense of change that until today I couldn't put my finger on.

Part 2...


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