Looking Forward: The Chariot – Resolutions.
“Following through on your intentions and manifesting your desires”.
Carefree abandon usually follows the Chariot, alongside haste and occasionally missing the point of the journey, particularly in the rush to get the job done and finished. It’s not one of my favourite cards, never have been a fan of the Chariot, much like the Tower, it has too many cautions and too many pitfalls.
In this deck it is a busy card, a lot happening within it and the subtle things are easily missed. Look at the leads from the dogs, look at how they are getting tangled in the hands, how easy it would be to lose the grip or get them wrapped up around you or the board itself. Then there is the hat, getting blown off the head, reach up for that and you can lose the balance and fall, the positioning of the feet is out of balance to the board as well, so it’s a fall waiting to happen.
With the speed of the dogs, its careless over carefree, but they can appear to be the same thing on the surface at least. The Chariot is a surface card, hiding the depths of just how wrong things can actually appear on the surface at least right.
‘You find a trapped efreet who offers you his services for a year if you can find a way to free him’.
In Islamic mythology the efreet (or ifrit) are related to Djinn possibly through blood or marriage. Like Djinn they aren’t really aligned with either good or bad, but rather aligned to what benefits them best, and if you get on the wrong side of them you may end up regretting it. Therefore, while freeing the efreet from servitude may be the right thing to do, it may have unforeseen consequences.
Consider the options before committing or agreeing to any contracts or longer-term projects, slow down and think about the bigger picture and the point of the journey, not just the travel you are doing or going to be doing.
The point is not just the journey, but what is gained in getting there, sometimes its wiser to remember why you started in the first place, rather than where you’re going next!
I saw a lot of your theme cards from when you used the same cards repeatedly for a season (year?).
Interesting that they are following you!
Joy Vernon