Jays, as you may know has been a multi-purpose site for some years. It hosted my Mystic Blog, Work and also events. However, the time has come where it can't be that space any more.
Instead it is becoming the home for my Tai Chi, Events, and Archive for the Mystic Blogs...
Find out more below...
I was told my ‘story’ wasn’t important, no one cared about who you were, what you did, they were only interested in what you could offer. In business, the bigger fish, never expect you to become anyone, purely just another statistic on some bit of paper or computer screen...
Here's the thing, my first job was an egg run; then a paper round, by the time I reached school leaving age, the only one thing that I knew for a certainty is that at some point in my life I would teach. However, the careers people at school pretty much tried to dissuade me from believing in that idea, poor grades, low self esteem and let’s not forget that in the academic world, if you went to a public school in a non-denominational area of Scotland or anywhere else in the late 1980’s; graduating was a blessing, which you should be thanking them for.
Good job I never listened or really believed in what I was told at school! I never really let go of that belief, it has followed me throughout every job, and experience I have had in this life so far. It is true that I have travelled many career paths, trainee journalist, media & communications, hairdressing junior, hairdresser, computer tech and that doesn’t include the almost Au pare & nanny stint in the very early teens!
As you may have guessed, none of these really suited me! I perhaps had too much empathy or insight. In fact, that was the job that I wore well, and still do after 25 years. I learnt very early on, that I was not like other people (or boys for that matter). I was always on the outside, looking in, and although you might think that I suffered for it, quite the opposite happened.
Over the last 25 years, I have had instances when talking about myself has been a necessary evil. I had been taught through both primary and secondary schooling, that boys like me, who learned differently, spoke differently and really didn’t seem interested in conventional sports (or girls) were not important. If I am honest, most of the time boys (and girls) like me, were ‘freaks’ or ‘party pieces’ that got hauled into the forefront when the other kids were bored.
So, it takes a lot of courage, strength and energy to step forward and be noticed; however, that is exactly what kept happening. I kept being dragged into that centre focus, I hid my light as best as I could, working in the background or only when it was needed. Still I got noticed, and 25 years ago; I decided to start working with my gifts for tarot and clear seeing.
To begin with I met a lot of resistance, jealousy, as well as believe it or not scorn. I was told by a fair few in my spiritual path at the time, I should not have my shop or be reading the cards and attending a Spiritualist SNU Church, as the two were not mutually exclusive. Needless to say, I found a new spiritual path very soon afterwards.
From the Fool to Hermit, in 25 Years...
Resistance, such as the kind that I have met throughout my journey so far; didn’t deter me, in truth it has made me stronger. The Universe/All That Is, has always had my back, from 9.5 years of collective primary and secondary school bullying, through a full year of adult bullying during 2004 into 2005, to workplace bullying in 2016, The Powers That Be, really never permitted me the chance to give up, if anything these experiences made me realise more than ever, that I matter!
When people have a talent, or are unique and different; someone, some group of collective like minds will feel threatened. The group or individual suddenly feels inadequate or challenged, because someone is different to them, this solitary person with their uniqueness, or talent challenges the normal, the status quo or power structure and they feel a need to assert the wrong kind of dominance. Needless to say, it doesn’t end well and it shows up the people and establishments for who they are, not who you are!
From Fool to Hermit, in 25 Years - Conclusion...
In 25 years, teaching and the passion to pass on knowledge never left; within the last 10 years, I have taught personal and spiritual development to groups, I guest teach at development groups, facilitate the learning and understanding of Usui and Angelic Reiki to master level. I currently facilitate the learning of Tai Chi and Chi Kung both in large groups and in P/T sessions, plus I still work with Tarot and Oracle cards; after all, that is how this all started.
My story has never changed, the experiences of bullying have left their scars; but they have shaped me, allowed me to grow and learn that everything is possible, bullies grow into well rounded people sometimes, oblivious to the damage they caused. Sometimes they become bitter and lonely people, the businesses that they owned fail, or they fade into obscurity.
What lessons I take from that is, that after all the misery, pain and suffering that a bully can cause; it is the survivors, the ones who remember that win. The Dharma, that Karmic energy they have created through the ones who were the victims, it comes back around within this lifetime, and thwacks them hard. It doesn’t matter, if they know it or not, we do, and really that is all that counts.
Jay's was birthed originally 27 years ago, it became known as the Self Help Therapy and Tarot Centre, it opened its doors in later summer 1998 and by early May 1999, they firmly shut. It had several incarnations after that as Upper Kutz, Metaphysical Angels, Sacred Jays, and Sacred Lotus as well. It was only in 2018, some 21 years later that I decided that it was time for Jay's.
To start with there was only
Jay Cassels, the public figure page on Facebook. I chose to retire the other pages, and kept my profile. The Metaphysical Angels site closed and I migrated all the Blog posts into text files and they gathered proverbial binary dust, until I opened this site and to some degree or another built it as a Blog forum and the rest kind of started to grow around it.
While all this was happening, I had been attending Tai Chi/Chi Kung groups weekly for several years, more so as a stress buster, than a possible job. I had been a carer for so long, that I really didn't have a thought as to what came after it, I guess you didn't ever consider that day will come. It did and I stopped the classes while I grieved, studied, and then began a slow transformation into the person I am still becoming today.
This slow transformation began through development classes, at first teaching to the limitations of my understanding and then being taught to develop beyond them and continually push the boundaries. The transformation continued through learning not only Usui Reiki, but also Angelic Reiki, Karuna Reiki, Shamballa MDH, Kundalini Reiki, Violet Flame, and that's only the healing modalities.
Once the transformation began to take shape, I began to learn some of the physical healing ways; starting with Crystal Healing, Body Massage, Sacred De-Armouring, Indian Head Massage, and Traditional Chinese Medicine Techniques. I also took up the practise of Tai Chi and Chi Kung at first as something for mum and I to do, it then became something a little more involved.
At first I was very intent on becoming a Massage therapist, maybe even full time working with Sacred De-Armouring, but each step along those pathways, at that time at least was met with challenge, after challenge but as I discovered the reasons behind the challenges, the more I realised I had to learn more on my own terms.
Interestingly enough the more I started to learn, the more I realised the work I was supposed to be doing was going to take time to come into the light. During 2018, events took a pivotal turn and not only was I part of a Tai Group, but by the end of 2018, I had started doing the instruction of them as well.
Astronomer, Astrologer, and Magician...
During the period of enforced rest that we all endured, I decided I needed to really understand the role of being an instructor a little better, so I opted to do the Award of Education and Training, a level 3 award that gives instructors and facilitators the chance to improve and better their skills.
I took it more than one stage further, earning myself the Certificate of Assessing Vocational Achievement, Level 5 Diploma of Education and Training, Level 4 Award of Internal Quality Assurance, Level 4 Award of External Quality Assurance. Through doing these I was ready to start my practice again when circumstances allowed.
It was during that time of rest Jays was reborn, and Tai Chi for All was birthed, both happened at pretty much the same time. I needed the hours to complete the Education Diploma, and I also wanted to begin building my practice again. The hall I was letting needed a business name, and that was when Jays happened, and not long after Tai Chi for all.
At this point I would imagine you are asking why is the title Astronomer, Astrologer, and Magician... The answer is actually part of the bigger and ongoing project, which started not only with the rebirth of Jays, but the slow transformation that started further back and up the page if you remember...
Astronomer, Astrologer, and Magician - Conclusion...
Part of the answer lies in the cross-over work that is happening, I guess you could say the Magician aspect, this starts with me recognising that Jays is the Yang side of my work, the physical hands on aspect of the for want of a better expression energy work that I do. The Yin side takes place over on Sanctuary of Dragons, and the Spiritual Dragon Sanctuary Facebook Page.
As you'll discover through Jay Cassels, I teach as well as do demonstrations in Tai Chi and QiGong, these practices vary and currently this year sees my groups learning the Language of Fans, through Tai Chi Kung Fu Fan, and also starting the practice of the 24 Forms (Simplified). It also is the start of Chair Yoga and also Seated Pilates for All (coming later in 2024 - 2025).
This is also the avenue for details of classes and events whether I am running them or attending them. Jays also houses the Mystic Blog Archive, with Sanctuary of Dragons taking over as the Blog, as well as the Energy work. This is an ongoing project, as much as a work in progress like myself, with the site being update dated with new events and videos, when time allows.
As for the Astronomer and Astrologer, well those bits I am still figuring out..
Qualifications matter! They are the backbone of installing confidence in prospective students and clients. Do not be fooled into thinking they don’t – How do you know that I have the right background for you? How do you know that I have been trained in the qualifications I claiming to hold?
Further to this, I want you as my prospective student, or client to know me and my background, that way you know I am going to be teaching or working with you to a level and degree that meets both National Occupational Standards, and also personal preferences and personal standards.
My Work
While I can tell my story, display qualifications and explain to you why they matter; all it does is show you a part of my background. It really doesn’t show or tell you about my work…
At the core of everything I do, it comes back to healing and the soul; education, teaching and spirituality, for me are about bringing our souls, our minds and our bodies, back into alignment. Not only that, but it is about giving people the tools to do that for themselves.
However, as I am also training currently to become an IQA (Internal Quality Assessor), this means I need to be able to meet and work within the framework of the National Occupational Standards (NoS), where appropriate. I adhere to the NoS, for many of my qualifications such as Crystal Healing, Tai Chi and Chi Kung Instructors Certificate (pending), as well as my Chinese and Western Massage Practises Courses (pending).
My Reiki and Angelic Reiki Courses are in alignment with the NoS for Providing Healing to Clients [NoS SFHCNH25], which means that I follow the guidance within this with regards to what my students need to be aware of. The other courses and workshops that I run, are spirituality based; I teach Trance Mediumship, Awareness Development, Mindfulness, to name but a few.
I also teach Tai Chi and Chi Kung; these classes are informal and meant to be a form of relaxation and mindfulness in practice. They are also based in the philosophy and ancient traditions of China and the Chinese people.
My teachings are based around the findings and discoveries of the Chinese QiGiong Health Association, an organisation that since 1950 – 1970 [approximately], have begun to develop Qi gong and Tai Chi based sequences, from brocades dating back to the earliest beginnings of Chinese culture and medicine.
Qualifications matter! They are the backbone of installing confidence in prospective students and clients. Do not be fooled into thinking they don’t – How do you know that I have the right background for you? How do you know that I have been trained in the qualifications I claiming to hold?
Further to this, I want you as my prospective student, or client to know me and my background, that way you know I am going to be teaching or working with you to a level and degree that meets both National Occupational Standards, and also personal preferences and personal standards.
My Work
While I can tell my story, display qualifications and explain to you why they matter; all it does is show you a part of my background. It really doesn’t show or tell you about my work…
At the core of everything I do, it comes back to healing and the soul; education, teaching and spirituality, for me are about bringing our souls, our minds and our bodies, back into alignment. Not only that, but it is about giving people the tools to do that for themselves.
However, as I am also training currently to become an IQA (Internal Quality Assessor), this means I need to be able to meet and work within the framework of the National Occupational Standards (NoS), where appropriate. I adhere to the NoS, for many of my qualifications such as Crystal Healing, Tai Chi and Chi Kung Instructors Certificate (pending), as well as my Chinese and Western Massage Practises Courses (pending).
My Reiki and Angelic Reiki Courses are in alignment with the NoS for Providing Healing to Clients [NoS SFHCNH25], which means that I follow the guidance within this with regards to what my students need to be aware of. The other courses and workshops that I run, are spirituality based; I teach Trance Mediumship, Awareness Development, Mindfulness, to name but a few.
I also teach Tai Chi and Chi Kung; these classes are informal and meant to be a form of relaxation and mindfulness in practice. They are also based in the philosophy and ancient traditions of China and the Chinese people.
My teachings are based around the findings and discoveries of the Chinese QiGiong Health Association, an organisation that since 1950 – 1970 [approximately], have begun to develop Qi gong and Tai Chi based sequences, from brocades dating back to the earliest beginnings of Chinese culture and medicine.
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