The topic for this last one of the cycle is at its core, so as I pause to reflect, I find it amazing to think that it's been a year...
A year since the hoppers got the band back together, a year since our merry band of Tarot readers, enthusiasts, and creators came back and through the Facebook group: Tarot Blog Hop discussed tarot related topics.
It's also important to give thanks, and much of that love and thanks goes to my wonderful colleague and friend Joy Vernon, of Completely Joyous.
Putting that call out, and having it answered by myself, and our band of intrepid explorers, was brilliant, and look at us, here we are back together, getting up to all kinds of hopping craziness.
As I said in this 48th edition, it it has been myself that has dawned the Wrangler hat, to set the theme for this hop on the closing of the Year.
Traditions - Closing of the Year
As this is our last one for this wheel of the year, I'd life us to celebrate and share not only how you close out the year but how you relate this to your tarot work, do you have a special ceremony or deck to work with?
As you look back on this wheel how much has changed or unchanged, and will you still hop and blog or will life take you in different directions as the new wheel begins?
Tarot Blog Group has been a steadfast part of FB life for me for longer than I can recall, so if you are in a celebration mood, was has been the highlight of your time here in TBH land and what do you hope to see make a come back in the next wheel?
Remember this is all about Tarot so do feel free to explore, and go wild with this one, just keep it in the frame of Tarot and related areas.