Tarot Blog Hop 49 - Continued

Jay Cassels • February 1, 2023

Beginning Again

Part 2

Traditionally Palmistry focused on the lines of the hand, as well as the mounds at the bottom of each finger, and then finishing off by looking at the sides of the palms to see where the lines either concluded or started. This was also the same place that a palmist could locate whether there would be children or the potential for them at least.

These days palmisty has evolved to look at the fingers as well, with the first finger governing business, second finger family, with the third finger governing the self and the pinky finger governing matters of the heart, and the thumb governs all aspects.

The hand is a facinating place, it tells palmists everything that we need to know, and a little bit more, so what if using the hand we could read the cards as well? Wouldn't that reveal some curious and interesting facts about either a person or ourselves?

Let's find out shall we, lets have a look at the cards individually to start with and then collectively at the end on the last page.

First Finger: Business

Nauthiz: Constraint / Friction

This is the card of resistance, constraint, conflict, and necessity. Sitting within the business finger, it is a card that represents the hurdles faced in business. 

This can be simple things, or more complex things, but it comes with the territory. In this instance it is representing the barriers to moving forwards, and the hourglass represents the need for patience, and waiting for the right time.

Second Finger - Family

Hagalaz: Crisis or Radical Change

Well anyone that knows my circumstances, will recognise the aptness of this one. My family circumstances have been since before the turn of this wheel a time of radical change and yes, at times it brings crisis.

Today has been a typical example of radical change and crisis, working in tandem with each other and until March comes and goes it is unlikely to settle down. 

However, knowing a thing and its challenges can and does help. So it is just a matter of acceptance, but recognising the boundaries, but like the Tree within this card, it is standing strong, and being rooted, in order to deal with the chaos of others.

Third Finger - The Self

Jera: Cycles & Progressions

Another term used for this card is harvest, which in a sense the start of this cycle has been that very thing for me. The Harvest reaps its own rewards and can be bountiful. We harvest and cultivate all year round, preparing for the Winter by bringing in our crops.

Yet at the same exact time, we're also sowing the seed and perparing to cultivate and grow those seeds. Cycles and progressions depending on where in your own cycle you are. It is not seasonal dependent, nor should it be relying on manufactured time that dictates we only move forward.

We actually don't, not really our minds and also the way time really moves, we have time travel just not in the conventional sense of the sci-fi realms. Biologically we age in one direction, no matter how much we change the outside/desktop wallpaper, we're still moving forward internally, but that's the point.

The self changes, progresses, and begins again each year, each cycle. We are allowed to be different and become who we feel, regardless of what form that takes. No one person should have the power to be the judge and jury over how we actually live.

The only time that should be an issue is when we have done wrong, and the matter should be in the court of the people to decide what happens next, with a judge to declare agreement or amendment.

The court of public opinon and the social media court particularly only have power if we allow it. Otherwise, the power belong with us and only us.

Jera, reminds that this too shall pass...

Fourth Finger / Pinky - Matters of the Heart

Wunjo: Hope, Harmony, Perfection

In matters of the heart it is good to know that your supported and that the one who holds you, will also stand beside you in battles, big and small.

Thing is you don't need to be married, in a relationship, or whatever, you truly only need to be happy within your own self and the rest will follow when it is time.

Harmony, Hope, and Perfection are states of being and places of the mindscape. I have developed both, true there are times when they are tested and it may not appear I have either but perhaps you just need to look beyond what you see...

Part 3...


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