Traditionally Palmistry focused on the lines of the hand, as well as the mounds at the bottom of each finger, and then finishing off by looking at the sides of the palms to see where the lines either concluded or started. This was also the same place that a palmist could locate whether there would be children or the potential for them at least.
These days palmisty has evolved to look at the fingers as well, with the first finger governing business, second finger family, with the third finger governing the self and the pinky finger governing matters of the heart, and the thumb governs all aspects.
The hand is a facinating place, it tells palmists everything that we need to know, and a little bit more, so what if using the hand we could read the cards as well? Wouldn't that reveal some curious and interesting facts about either a person or ourselves?
Let's find out shall we, lets have a look at the cards individually to start with and then collectively at the end on the last page.