Tarot Blog Hop 49 - Concluded

Jay Cassels • February 1, 2023

Beginning Again


Moving away from the Runes, and into the Ogham for the divination of the palm itself. This switch felt right because there are point within the palm filled with energy. We use the hands for everything in life, and so they are sometimes rooted and other times, stretched.

Psychic Cross - First Line

Ohn / Onn: Long-term thinking, planning,
or inner knowing.

The sense of change that has been with me since this new cycle started, has been accompanied by the sense that it is going to work out but in its own time and way.

Which is in a sense like Gorse, it's determined, always comes back in one form or another, and symbolises perseverance and within that hope.

Folklore, on the web also depicts Gorse as being in protective manner, like a barrier to keep the negative influences at bay.

It is also the symbol for one who will lead or teach, and as Gorse spreads its wealth, so to does a leader/teacher in the form of knowledge and the gifts that it can bring.

Psychic Cross - Second Line

Tinne: Change, Transition, Growth, and Release.

Change is the only constant we have in life and so developing the skills or ability to bend like a rede in the wind, and through inner wisom learn to overcome and adapt, can sometime be the greatest skill we can learn. 

I learnt at an early age to always trust my inner sight and instincts. Which is tough, as there are times when the heart wants to rule the head. However, the counterbalance to them resides within the throat chakra, through learning to speak with the wisdom of the head, and the compassion of the heart can be its own rewards.

Listening to them, well that is another post in itself...


Spring Cleaning: Beginning Again

Well we've just about come full circle, the journey that this post has taken me, not only to get it completed but also the revelations that have personally come to light, well let's just say that Blog Hops, always leave me with more than I started with.

Now all that is left for me to do is hand over to my neighbours, and to let them take you on their journey, 

I hope that this has given you insight into an aspect of me that you may not have known, and I look forward to seeing you for my 50th edition. 

You'll find the previous, next, and master list links at the top of the page, below the pictures is a means of sending me a comment.


Message: Jay, that was quite a journey, Thanks for sharing it.
And I hope your health is improving. Looking forward to that "listening" post you hinted at.


Message: HI Jay--Great post. I haven't worked with the runes in a while and I really love these cards.
I also liked how you tied it to palmistry, which is something I'm not familiar with. Thanks for a great post.

Raine Shakti



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