Welcome to my 50th edition of the Tarot Blog Hop, where we cover all kinds of topics from musicals to horror, and all the in-between. If you haven't read or hopped before then why not check out this post and find out more.
Joy Vernon of Joy Vernon Astrology * Tarot * Reiki is our wrangler for this first turn of the wheel and she posed this for us to consider:
Topic: "Dawn"
On New Year's Eve this past December, I posted an "endings and new beginnings" theme, then the next day I shared a year ahead spread. After that, Kim Kim's topic for Imbolc, our first hop of the year, was "beginning again." Apparently, this is the year of fresh starts because I can't get the idea out of my head! I occurs to me that it might be fun if we used "new beginning" themes all year long for our hops!
As I contemplated the Spring Equinox, the Aries Point or zero degree of the zodiacal wheel, and the seasonal symbolism, I kept coming back to the beginning of cycles. The names of spring holidays like Easter, Eostre, and Ostara, refer to the east and sunrise. Alternatively, I've also heard that Eostre derives from estrus, heat, the period when animals are fertile, which is yet another symbol of potential and newness. I see the solar cycle at this time, when the Sun crosses the spring equinox, as a fresh start So I thought of "Aurora", then more simply, "Dawn."
You can run with this theme any way you like, but if you'd like to brainstorm, consider the following:
*How do you read sunrise symbolism in the cards?
*Explore the idea of "it dawned on me" with your
tarot cards.
*What new cycles are dawning in your life?
*What glimmers of light are breaking over your horizon?
*Create a sunrise tarot spread.
*If you set a symbolic alarm clock, what would it wake you up for?
Since this is my 50th post for the hop, I couldn't exactly miss this could I...