Wranglers Guide to Blog Hopping

Jay Cassels • March 20, 2022

Everything You Want To Know About Wrangling

(But Were Afraid to Ask...)

A Beginner’s Guide to Wrangling

Welcome to The World of the Wrangler; it is perhaps a calling, a state of being where you are challenged, not only to use your skills as a blogger and writer, but also your skills for juggling cats, a chainsaw, and a bunch of rowdy humans, gathered together to discuss a given subject… but mainly it's about having fun, and flexing those grey cells!

If you have found your way here via a Facebook Group and haven’t a clue what is going on, well that is absolutely fine! It takes time to get used to not knowing what this is all about! It’s why such things as this FAQ were created.

So take a look through that and if there is anything you’re still not exactly sure of, why not comment here on the post or on the group itself, you never know the very thing you ask could wind up in the revision and edits that this document will go through.

Jay 🙂


This document you are reading right now is based on http://www.donnaleigh.com/tarotbloghop.htm

Many thanks to Arwen Lynch Poe, who transcribed on Saturday, 21 January 2012 at 05:58 a version of this document on to the Tarot Blog Hop, which can be found on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/notes/tarotbloghop/faqs/289611234429599/ 

You need to be a member of the Facebook group: Tarot Blog Hop

Who or What is a Wrangler?

Think of a Wrangler as someone that attempts to stay sane, while organising a herd of cats into a big cat box. In terms of a Blog Hop, the wrangler is in charge of the collected group, sets the topic, which is what the group will all write about, and on the same date and time.

The wrangler has to answer the groups questions and make sure all the links are active and come up with work arounds when something gets borked (yes, that's a technical term).

So that each writer's blog is linked to the one before them and after them, so to create a Circle or Train.

Seems easy doesn't it..

How can I Wrangle?

Firstly you need to have been involved in at least 3 hops. They don't need to have been consecutive, but they do need to have been within one wheel of the year.

Is there a special format?

Generally there are four elements to a blog hop.

1: There are links are titled PREVIOUS BLOG | MASTER LIST | NEXT BLOG - These go at the top and bottom of your post.

2: Your post MUST have something to do with the group topic or group question. Depending on how you got here, the topics will either be about Reiki or Tarot.

3: Include the topic suggestion in the intro to your post.

4. Include the right handle for the Wrangler/Blogger (More on that below)

5. This format will help people navigate the Blogs easily and also keeps things simple as well.

As the Wrangler, you need to make sure that the four elements are in every blog post for that hop.

What Does the Wrangler Actually Do?

There is a little bit more to it than just ensuring the four elements are in every blog post for the hop, so let's explore the role, little bit more indepth.

Wranglers set the Date and Time.

The first role of the Wrangler is to set the date and time for the Blog Hop. As we're the Tarot Blog Hop, we're an eclectic mix of bloggers, so when the group was first set up, we decided to use the Wheel of the Year as our calendar, which you can see above.

The time is usually set by location, although recently we've started to make use of UTC time, which is handy as we are usually able to sync up using this.

Wranglers Set the Topic

In the role of the  Wrangler your the organiser, so its up to you to set the topic. This group is dedicated to the world and workings of the Tarot and Oracle Cards.

Whatever your topic is about, should relate to Tarot and Oracle.

Is there a Format to the Wrangler's Post?

Each Wrangler's post has the same or similar format to the template below:



WHERE: Your blog

WRANGLER: e.g. Jay Cassels





What is a Handle?

You've probably thought something that opens and closes a door. Technically, that is a handle, but on Facebook and Blogging it's our I.D.

It is best to check the Wrangler/Blogger's I.D. for example as a business and Blogger I'm Jay, but that is my nickname, not my given one. 

Many Bloggers and Writers have pseudonyms as their I.D's so best to double check how they wish to be known.

What is the Signup Deadline?

As the Wrangler, you still have an outside life to lead as well. So the Signup Deadline is a means to a end, usually the deadline is set a few days in advance of the actual hop. It is the last day for members to add their names.

What is a List Shuffle & How do I do it?

The List Shuffle is where the wrangler will sort through the assorted names on the list and begin to plan out where everyone will be positioned.

As a suggestion/rule of thumb, its best if your post is either at the start, middle, or end. That way you can ensure to keep the circle flowing if there is an missing or broken link post.

What is the Master List Link?

The master link is a seperate blog post that contains the time, date, and topic of the post. It also contains the list of blogs taking part in the order that they appear in the group.

How do I notify the people taking part?

As well as having the master link on your blog site, you need to make sure that there is a post within the Facebook Group. 

This wil be where everyone will sign up to the hop in the first place, and its also where you'll do most of the hearding.

So I Need to Take Part in the Hop as Well?

Yes! Not only are you wrangling, but your also writing a post for the hop. This is the fun bit, your post is part of the mix and your master list post is there acting as a guide, which is good and also slightly manic.

It's best to plan ahead, make sure that all your elements are in place well in advance, typically wranglers put their posts together in the lead up to the event.


On the day of the event, you'll need to devote at least a couple of hours to be on hand. Your role will be to make sure that links are active on time, posts are relevant, they link to the before and after (previous and next within the post).

You'll also have to answer the Facebook Group comments about posts either not being active, wrong links, or broken ones. Which means tagging members, messaging, or generally rocking back and forth, staring into the abyss.

Can I link to this page from my blog?

The FAQ document you are reading right now is visible to anyone and you can link to it using: 


This FAQ will also be on the group, it is similar to this one, and is not visible to anyone who is not a member.

How do I add to this FAQ?

Have I missed one or twenty things that you think others like you need to know? You can make a suggestion in the comments of the FAQ or to the author via the group.


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