Tarot Blog Hop: Bonus

Jay Cassels • July 12, 2022

Master List:


Write-In Edition

What on Earth is a Write-in Hop?

The idea of a write-in hop is that we gather together and using the topic and its prompts, we aim to have a blog written by the deadline of the 15th.

So, whether writing at your best is first thing in the morning, middle of the night, or after a catnap, you have the chance to discover your most creatively productive time, which is why it’s different to our usual hops, it doesn’t get in the way too much with the flow of our real life.

It might not seem to be that much of a challenge, but here’s the thing; too much time allows you to forget that you are apart of a hop, which is why the usual wheel of the year ones are so much fun, we’ve got a marginal window to be creative.

So best advice is to block off time specifically to write for this write-in hop. This means putting an event in your digital calendar, hanging a "Do Not Disturb" sign on your door, or turning off your phone for a little while, make sure you're saving some time for yourself and your creative practice.

The way a write-in works is as follows:

- Declare you are involved through the sign up below

- Declare your blog link (e.g., jcassels.co.uk)

- Check this post for your Previous/Next Buddies

- Declare your finished post link (e.g., jcassels.co.uk/example)

- Update your post with your buddies finished post link as soon as you can

- On the 15th(or after) read through the posts, comment, and we check for broken links (no later than the 17th).


You can navigate your way through each blog using the PREVIOUS | MASTER | NEXT links at the top, middle, or bottom of a post. 

As the idea of a blog hop is very much like a round-robin or circle, you will eventually end up back where you started.

Please remember to comment on your fellow bloggers posts, or on the group if you can't get through Blogger's oddities.

The Master List will have the following info:

Your FB Name | Handle | Blog/Permalink

The Event Sign Up Post on the group will be the only show place to find email addresses, they do not appear on a live Master List.

Okay, that does it for the ground rules / in case of emergency part of the post, let's get introduced to the Write-In topic...

Topic: TBH – To Be Honest

The inspiration for this write-in actually comes from my hubby, who at the time of the last hop thought that when I asked him to give my TBH video a watch through, he actually wondered why I wanted him to watch a To Be Honest video. This got me thinking about honesty, blogging, and of course how that relates to Tarot.

Recently I came across a program called Deception, and the episode was about psychics and fortune telling, but like many recent series on the TV, they are debunking it and also giving the impression it’s a con, thing is it’s quite real for those of us that are working in this field or adjacent ones, so where do these series producers get off in debunking it?

Which is where the topic begins, I’d like you over this next week to explore being honest surrounding this world of Tarot and adjacent fields, look into how you established and now maintain your reputation. 

So ideas such as:

Being honest: What does that mean for you in relation to the tarot, and how do you maintain your integrity and honesty when faced with challenging cards?

Also consider playing about with the letters of our group TBH: What do they mean to you? Have fun with them, can you think of Minor or Major cards or decks that might fit well for each?

Feel free to explore, and go wild with this one, just keep it in the frame of Tarot and related areas.



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