Tarot Blog Hop: Bonus Ed Page 1

Jay Cassels • July 12, 2022

Tarot Blog Hop:




This is where my entry for the topic begins, it is tough to speak your truth, and maintain your honesty; there is a temptation more so on the Social Media circuit to be bigger, better, and louder than your perceived competition. More and more these days it's about becoming an influencer, or some mogul of the New Age Spiritual Movement.

Surrounding yourself with others that will feed the ego and like your posts, blogs, v-blog, or hell if you are fortunate, the first book you write. This is a world that is hungry for attention, self-esteem, and sponsorship deals to fuel your ideals of perfection, and all you need to do is sell what little of your soul is left. 

Sadly, the Worlds of Tarot and adjacent fields are no different, you don’t need to look far to see it. Stories surrounding these famous faces of the Tarot and adjacent worlds are fairly notorious, there are those with the reputation of being a Diva.

Then there are the scandals that have been were very public surrounding merchendise, courses, and validity. Questions raised about what this means for their products, and also questions raised about the reasons behind their very public announcements.

All this makes you start to question, what is truth, what is drama, and what is the motivations behind such actions...

Part 1: Between Mind and Heart

The best place to start wading through such powerful and intrequing thoughts is here within my TBH entry.

Throughout this write-in entry for the bonus TBH, I am working with the High Priestess, in all her forms, asking these kinds of questions and exploring the idea of truth, honesty, and blogging. 

This is because she stands between the Mind and Heart, sitting on the Throne of the Throat, where our confidence, our ability to communicate, and speak our truths reside.

The Sacral Throne is the place where the First Gate of the Dantian opens, this is where the energy and sense of truth begins, it travels through the second gate and the Throne of the Heart, before it is spoken from the Throne of Throat. 

The High Priestess is a guardian of Truth, she is part of our system of balance, and while not as harsh as her sister Justice or as final as her brother/sister Judgement, she is how we balance out what is the right thing to say in the moment.

She is where our innocence resides, and is the youngest of the triumvirate for our system of balance. I like to think that it is thanks to her that we never truly lose our innocence, I believe that it can be hurt by trauma, violence, sadness, and similar tricky and challenging events, but I don’t think we ever truly lose it. 

Yet, it is something that in a cultural and societal way, can easily be forgotten or sacrificed.

The High Priestess in her own way is the reasoning behind, when the right time to speak our truth becomes apparent. She gives or at the very least helps us to find the words we need at the right time, the right place, and the right moment. 

Sometimes the words are only meant for one or two, but again sometimes that one or two are thousands or millions. When her sister Justice or brother/sister Judgement step in, is when that truth needs to be louder, more powerful, and definitely when more of an impact is needed. 

That is their domain, and together they are what gives us our morality, innocence, and knowledge of right and wrong. Perhaps that is one of the many reasons behind the black and white columns, after all in life nothing is truly or definitively one thing or another. 

At least when it comes to truth, or the social media version of it anyway. Truth is subjective, and almost certainly everyone is right from their standpoint, it is one of the cornerstones of philosophy, and these days you need to be able to analyse what truth is and be prepared to defend your truth, in a debate of the minds. 

If such a thing still exists in this age of social media...

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