Tarot Blog Hop: Bonus Ed Page 2

Jay Cassels • July 12, 2022

Tarot Blog Hop:



Chapter 2: Between Generations

It is possible that in one of my very first blog hops, from the days of when I was a newbie on this journey, I may have written about an article that I read from a journalist about his experiences using online dating apps. If this doesn’t feel familiar, then perhaps read on, as it is going somewhere and is still very much about the topic.

In this article, the journalist wrote about the online dating world, he would find a profile, and start chatting etc, over time he would start giving the profile an imagined voice, much like we do when reading books. He would then begin to build up this imagined picture of what the person would be like, and how they would be to sit across from and so on.

The trouble is that by the time they met, the idealised version of the person behind the profile rarely lived up to the expectations, and even if it was an afternoon hook-up the experience was short lived and didn’t really ever amount to much. Now I actually related to the author, as it was something I was prone to doing as well, too often in the years before I met my hubby, I would do all the things the author did, which is why his article was actually a powerful one for me.

See, he became disillusioned with the dating scene online, and he actually realised why this had happened. His words were quite simple, he’d realised that the profile was just binary 0’s and 1’s, made into words, letters, and pictures. 

There was no voice, no personality, and no sense of presence; all of those things he created and because of these expectations, no one would ever be able to live up to them.

Truth in many ways is like the triumvirate, our truth (the high priestess), their truth (judgement) and the actual truth (justice); we all have our own version of what we see as truth, and in the midst of all of these differing variations on truth, is the real and actual truth, just waiting to be realised.

Therefore, no one person will ever actually be able to hold or be held in absolute truth, as our filters will always cloud our way of seeing the truth. Which is why impartiality and tarot is so beneficial… 

I guess it is the reason why I am so passionate about speaking up for the practice. There is such a wealth of understanding and knowledge, not to mention historical records of events, and the actual journey of the Tarot itself. 

Yet it gets a bad rap because of the mainstream tiny minds and cancel culture dissection. Its like anything the tiny mainstream mind can’t understand, dissect or destroy; if it can be turned into a debunked joke, it can’t and won’t pose a threat to the conventions of society, and yet here’s the thing Tarot survives. 

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