Chapter 3: Knocking on Forbidden Doors (... Listening to the Sky)
Speaking our truth is never easy, and speaking out for what we believe, irrespective of what another will say is harder now than ever before. Perhaps the desire for fortune, fame, and the influencers lifestyle has made the temptation to give away our power more alluring, but then what of the fear from cancel culture?
Has this ideal of popularity, people pleasing, and power corrupted absolutely? Or has it just polluted the system of balance, tipping the scales towards false honesty for likes?
Does the power actually reside with those who use the influencers, giving them products, money, and sponsorship deals? Must be a bit like turning over the Devil Card and living the life of excess, until one day that tower of populist drivel crumbles and you find out what it is truly like, to have Babel reigning down upon you.
There is so much to unpack here. I really liked your thoughts on HP being behind our understanding when to speak our truth and her ability to help us find the words.
I also like how you explored the complexity of the truth in the era of social media and how even Tarot people can get corrupted.
Thank you for such a thought provoking piece!