Tarot Blog Hop 51

Jay Cassels • May 1, 2023


Inside the Magic of Love

Welcome to my 51st edition of the Tarot Blog Hop, where we cover all kinds of topics from musicals to horror, and all the in-between. If you haven't read or hopped before then why not check out this post and find out more. 

Raine of Raine Shakti is our wrangler for this turn of the wheel and she posed this for us to consider: 

Topic: "Self Love"

I’ve been singing the lyrics to Miley Cyrus’ song Flowers lately and so have a lot of people on Instragram. While Aretha’s anthem R.E.S.P.E.C.T taught a whole lot of people that they deserved respect.

Miley’s Flowers is reminding a lot of us that we can and should love ourselves better than anyone else. If you haven’t heard this awesome song yet, the lyrics are:

I can buy myself flowers

Write my name in the sand

Talk to myself for hours

Say things you don't understand

I can take myself dancing

And I can hold my own hand

Yeah, I can love me better than you can

Beltane is all about love and sensuality, but all too often we make it about other people. 

For this Beltane I thought it would be nice to use the tarot to think about how we can and should love ourselves. 

Some ideas:

Create a spread to ask how you can better love yourself

Thumb through your favorite deck and look for cards that speak to you of self love and right about them

Create a spread that asks what is preventing you from loving yourself Or do something completely different as long as it utilizes tarot and oracle and the theme of self love. Or you could also explore self sensuality 

(please note: keep it PG rated and I did say self sensuality and not sexuality)

Tarot of Love...


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