Tarot Blog Hop 40 - Continued

Jay Cassels • December 21, 2021

Tarot Blog Hop: 40

Jay's Opus


3 Acts

If you are just joining me, then you have arrived at the second page of The Tarot Blog Hop, 24 hour challenge. Take a look at this post, which will explain what it is you are reading, and then jump back to Page 1 to catch up.

I remeber the day I decided that it was time to close the doors of my shop. I'd just come through the front door, and there was a letter telling the vendors, that centre management were increasing the rents. 

This was to cover renovations, and further to this little ditty, we as vendors were no longer permitted to have our shops closed on days, other than when the centre was closed.

Already I was growing weary of travelling in by bus, sitting in an empty shop and leaving at the close of business, only to rinse and repeat the next day. I wouldn't have minded if the place had been busy, but everyone was feeling the pinch at this time.

It would end up becoming the smartest business move of my life...

Interestingly, by now I had massed a whopping 50+ decks, to my collection, I had also had the formal diagnosis of having learning differences. I had my Communications, and Hairdressing Certificates, as well as trained in Counselling Skills. As a side note, and although it wasn't needed, I had done my Tarot and Cartomancy Diploma as well.

Now into my 30s, I had accomplished a lot, and yet I had a feeling that there was more to be done...

Act 3: Between Mind

and Heart...

The 30's more so the latter end were not the best, they were filled with tragedy and travesty. There was backstabbing, drama, and that's just the family stuff.

Towards the end of the 30's, the prophecy from the start of the Opus was starting to be fulfilled, you remember I mentioned La Mort

Well Dad started to develop odd health concerns, that at first led him to hospitalisation, and a near brush with La Mort!

It was discovered that Dad had Parkinson's 


Later we were to discover that what we thought was Parkinson's was Parkinson's Plus. We were to further learn that what was really happening to him, was called MSA (Multiple System Atrophy). 

During this time I had completed my Computing at a Higher National Certificate level, and it would be the last qualification I would do for a while.

The deck tally would pause at 75+ and on the 17th December 2011 at a little after 11pm, the La Mort prophecy from 20 years ago, would finally be fulfilled.

My Dad would return to the world, which he had so often visited over the 7 years of illness...

Total Eclipse of the Moon...

The following 2 years became something of a grief filled blur, each day just seemed to blur into the next and I barely registered anything, my hubby yet to be kept me grounded, but my heart ached and my mind was closed off to anything other than grief.

The strange thing was that my grief was actually relief, and oddly my tears on the day of his funeral were about the only ones that I would have, because I knew first hand, that he was free at last from the body that was failing.

It was on December 31st 2012, that something remarkable took place. A conversation from 2008, was the first oddity... 

I recall my good friend and mentor Carmen talking about a thing called Reiki, a system of hands on healing that I thought at the time was out my league.

My second oddity was discovering an old boss of mine's website giving me the name of my Reiki Master. 

Discovering Joy Vernon's Reiki Posts for the first time, was my third oddity...


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