Standing in that shop, and in front of Tam himself, I was suddenly 8 years old again, getting ready to catch the wind for the first time. Those eyes giving me the once over, and that voice, oh that voice...
"Are you old enough to buy these?" He almost barked.
"es..." I meakly replied in such a mousey voice, the wind could have drowned it.
Those few seconds, felt like years as he stood there and then off to the counter, where he wrapped them in a brown paper bag and as I handed over my £16.99 in old money, he looked over his glasses and handed me the bag.
My journey of Tarot had begun, and the first of over 100 decks was now in my 16 year old hand, and by this time I had bolted from the shop, terrified and excited all at the same time.
Yet, my biggest and probably longest running prophecy had still to be made...