Tarot Blog Hop 39

Jay Cassels • October 31, 2021

Tarot Blog Hop: 39

Day in the Life


A Sooth Sayer

Welcome to the 39th edition of The Tarot Blog Hop, yep that's right 39 posts dedicated to the words, themes, and inspirations that come from the worlds of Tarot and Oracle cards. If you are unfamiliar with hopping, then take a look at this post, which will explain it all to you.

It's been a year, if not more, since the group of Tarot readers, enthusiasts, and creators came together in our Tarot Blog Hop group, to pose a discussion topic. This turn of the Wheel, it was up to me to set the topic and put out the call to get the band together.

Time to deck the halls (so to speak), and take alook at what our Samhian hop will be about.

Theme: Sacred Knowledge

Tarot is considered in many cultures a sacred birthright, or secret knowledge to be passed down. Yet, these days we can learn Tarot through a distance course, or a three day workshop and master class.

The question that I am posing for this years Samhain is this: What Secrets, What Knowledge have you personally or professionally gained from the Tarot, and how has it benefited you or your clientele?

There are many ways to cover this one, so here are a few ideas:

- Create a spread that highlights sacred knowledge

- Share a tale or two about how you came into Tarot and where the journey has taken you.

- Using a few cards show and tell what sacred knowledge means to you.

As always if your cards inspire you, allow the theme to take you on a journey.

I do love a challenge, don't you? As you may have noticed, this is a different blog and home from the last time you visited, If you pay a visit to the last hop post, you can read about them.

As you'll have spotted, there has been an important change surrounding the comments for my TBH posts, that being you're not able to make them on the post. The best solution that I have for the moment is for you to follow this link, and at the very top of the page is a pinned post.

This is where you'll be able to leave comments for my entry into this Tarot Blog Hop.

Feel Me Heaven

It has been a long time since I picked up my cards and did a reading for someone. It was personal choice and circumstances that gave me the nudge to do it. 

These days I find myself in a position to learn as much as I can from each deck that comes into my care. While some decks decide to move on, whether it is because I have stopped connecting with the author, or that someone else may get better use from them,  my collection still sits at something like 100 - 200 decks.

In 2021, I have come to realise that I want to share my passions and in place of card of the day, or some other Social Media Gimmick , I now want to develop a proper Tarot Course, although the details are still a bit foggy, the idea is sound.

Listening to former and active Tarot Readers, they all share the same tale, clients come to you and if they don't like what they hear or see, another 'expert' gives them exactly that. 

Which, I will admit is comforting and confirmation of things that I have been echoing through from the last blog hop post.

The decks featured in this post are:

- Enchanted Map by Colette Baron-Reid

- Healing Light Tarot by Christopher Butler

- Heave and Earth Tarot by Jack Sephiroth

- Influence of the Angels Tarot by Jody Boginski Barbessi

Turning of the Wheel...

Within my Mabon Post I said that Tarot decks have a language, which although different from deck to deck is the fundementally the same, at the basic level. Although my own words, they stuck with me, and I thought that for this turn of the wheel, it would be nice to explore this a little more.

Depending on how adept you are at Tarot, and other Mantic arts, you may spot a running theme throughout this post, but don't worry if you miss it, like the last time around, I will draw your attention to it later.

So let's dive into the world's and words of Tarot's Sacred Knoweldge...

Beyond the Invisible...

Tarot is older than most of us, we accept that as a known fact in its lore. Each reader, enthusiast, collector, and so on has their origin story for them as well. 

Said origin story/myth has similar traits, beliefs, and geographical differences, all depending on who told you the story, or what books/sites the research was compiled from and believe it or not each version is true, because much like the kids game, as each person tells the tale, certain aspects will change depending on memory.

Sadly, I believe that the original has been lost to the winds of time... 


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