Most creation or origin stories, have a moral or a point to them, and in essence Tarot is not really any different. Each deck that you come into contact with lets you know very quickly if they want to work with you.
Typically its an overall image from the deck or an individual card from the Major or Minor Arcana that gives the answer.
That's the Rosetta Stone, your key to the language of that deck and also the Tarot itself, I often ponder on whether if the deck creates itself or if its the author/designer that creates it, perhaps its a bit of both.
As readers/collectors, we are drawn into that world, and that language. One image may open a door, but its the deck that invites us in, and invites our clients in as well.
Which does beg another question of the moment, who does the reading, the cards or the person reading them? Think about it, sometimes words just flow out of the mouth and they astound the sitter, because there is no way we could have known, yet we do...
Could this be yet another part of the Sacred Knowledge, that the cards and the reader form a symbiotic relationship, that reveals the sitters inner most moments to us?