Between this year and last year, I have found that my eyes have been opened, sometimes in a good way, but recently, in a more challenging way. A lot of theories, speculations, and over thinking has gone into many of the concepts, which leaves me thinking WTF.
Now I discern my way through a great deal of social media these days, more so since the great blackout of 2021. However, since that day and possibly a bit before it, I found that a lot of unspoken bias, and inner truths are being brought to the surface, usually through the most simple and innocuous of posts.
A lot of these are surrounding the current local, geographical, and global situations that the everyday person is finding themselves within. It shouldn't matter what your stance is, it really isn't the business of every social media scalper, troll, business, or everyday user to know. In fact it should be like many things, between you and yours, meaning close family or medical practitioner.
Yet, over the last 8 or 9 months, I think I know the status and view point of most social media associates, and to be honest, a majority of them don't care, or don't know mine. Which, says a lot about my associates, and says a lot more about the company I choose to keep.
See, the social media world does not know me, in fact out of the 400+ associates, I can pretty much count, using both hands how many have taken the time to find out who I am, what I believe, and know my background, including my previous job(s). Instead, they believe and think that they know me, and know my beliefs on the current climate surrounding privacy, humanity, and a lot more.
Truthfully, they really don't!
My background is in Communications and the Media; back then, if I had decided to sell my soul, I could have built a career in journalism, or creative media like film and television. Thankfully I didn't, sell my soul that is, instead I opted to follow a different path, one that was still creative but more in-touch with people, well until I realised how nasty, vile, and self-centred most of them actually are.
So needless to say, I escaped from that career path very quickly. The interesting thing about this is that I always seem to find the career path that teaches me something that I need to know at the time. Moving on and coming into the first of my favourite paradigms, I was guided into the career path of Computing. This was the first brush with the term and concept of the Matrix.
A Matrix is a construct, typically it starts its lifecycle as a binary language, which is 0 or 1, a simple and complex structure at the same time. Simple because you can only have one state of being or the other, in this case switch on or switch off. Complex, because you have multiple switches, in either the on or off state, although you are able to see words, and those words then form your native language, but at the core is a 1 or 0.
As time passed, and the nature of the language evolved, more letters and more numbers got added, so you ended up with 0 - 9 and A - F. If you are interested in learning more then visit this
link, which will explain more about the Hexadecimal language. However, the base language of Binary is still at play, you just don't see it in action.
Naturally, the other big matrix that comes to mind, is the film franchise, and so many of the 'Matrix' theories have sprung from this. First off, the four film franchise is just that, a franchise they have action, romance, peril, and yes they are thought-provoking, but ultimately they are just films. However, the concept that there is more to the world, is actually accurate.
Secondly, the constructs of this world are built by humans, designed by them, and they are all controlled by them as well. To be truly 'off the grid' is improbable, there are countless ways in which humans watch other humans, and even if you believe that you are 'unplugged' and you are not part of a human system, then think again.
I have seen a few writings on this subject, and the one aspect that I have yet to see breached, is the idea/philosophy, which suggests that being aware or awakened to its existence doesn't mean that you are disconnected... Well not in the sense of the film anyway.
You see, if you use a mobile, credit-card, PC, Laptop, Chromebook, iPad, iPod, Mac, if you drive, have a store or loyalty card, open a browser, and yes even private browsing, and believe that you're uncensored, unfiltered app, or anti-tracking extension stop 'the matrix' from tracking you. Then I have amazing news, you are so entrenched in 'the matrix', that you are playing your part wonderfully.
It takes a while to realise, that you have the allusion of free will, being disconnected is nothing more than a fallacy. You can't simply disconnect, to do that properly, you would realistically need to surrender everything that this modern day world offers. Heat, Electric, and Water, would need to be produced off-grid, and you would need to build a property, on a piece of land that you have to either owned or bought - both scenarios involve you interacting with the matrix to start with FYI.
Every time you make use of a search engine, be it Google or some other, your IP is logged, your keystrokes stored, and your preferences are also tracked. The app or browser extension that claims you are safe, sorry you're not, that company tracks your statical usage, from how long you had it open, to the number of sites loaded, and accuracy of the search.
Each of us has the choice, we can either engage or disengage with this idea, this concept; after all the world still appears the same regardless of awareness! What changes is our perception, how we as individuals actually 'see' the world.
Colours are brighter for us, because that's how we have decided and chosen to see them, the colour of red is still red, just as the road still has cars on it. However, we can decide whether a car is a hostile invader to the earth or a means of transport that came about through invention.
Just as we can decide that the colour red is a root/base colour for our internal energy body, or a colour that would look good on a canvas. The matrix can just as easily be a film, a grand conspiracy, or a complex set of molecules that will either give you water or a baby in 9 months.
The choice is ours, it always has been. You can decide whether to be active or passive, 0 or 1, and while yes freedom is illusionary, it is still as real, as essential, as you want and need it to be, you just have to decide, to own it, and it will be.
JayCassels. This website is proudly hosted by Aitken Design