So time to dust off the decks (so to speak) and take alook at what this hop is going to be about.
Theme: Life Balance
In the spirit of balance and harmony, let's look at life balance.
In particular, what do you do when you're not blogging about tarot? Describe it to us in terms of tarot cards, of course!!
The Catch: We have only 24 hours for this task! Can you balance your life/work/tarot needs and join our quest?
Possible topics and themes to explore in your post:
• Show and tell – what have you been up to since the last tarot blog hop you participated in? Whatever it is, describe it to us in tarot cards!
• Develop a tarot spread or tarot ritual to bring balance to your life
• Explore what cards most speak to you of life balance
• Use the cards to describe how you bring balance to your life.
• Design a tarot card that embodies life balance
• Or interpret the theme “Life Balance” in a way that’s unique to you!