Tarot Blog Hop: Samhain 2021

Jay Cassels • October 31, 2021

⭐🌜⭐ Tarot Blog Hop ⭐🌜⭐

Master List


⭐🌜⭐ Sacred Knowledge ⭐🌜⭐


DATE: Sunday, October 31st, 2021


Please note that I am using this UTC link to coordinate the hop.

WHERE: Your blog

WRANGLERJay Cassels https://jcassels.co.uk/blogdda95fbd

SIGNUP DEADLINE: 8pm UTC, October 29, 2021

LIST SHUFFLE: 8pm UTC, October 30, 2021


Tarot is considered in many cultures a sacred birthright, or secret knowledge to be passed down. Yet, these days we can learn Tarot through a distance course, or a three-day workshop and master class.

Sacred Knowledge

⭐🌜⭐ Samian Tarot Blog Hop ⭐🌜⭐


Tarot is considered in many cultures a sacred birthright, or secret knowledge to be passed down. Yet, these days we can learn Tarot through a distance course, or a three-day workshop and master class.

The question that I am posing for this year's Samian is this: What Secrets, What Knowledge have you personally or professionally gained from the Tarot, and how has it benefited you or your clientele?

There are many ways to cover this one, so here are a few ideas:

Create a spread that highlights sacred knowledge

Share a tale or two about how you came into Tarot and where the journey has taken you.

Using a few cards, show and tell what sacred knowledge means to you.

As always, if your cards inspire you, allow the theme to take you on a journey.

As is the way with the muses generally, if you feel drawn or inspired to head off on your own journey, then please do go for it, as that is what makes these hops fun. Below is the running order or shuffled list for this turn of the wheel. You can visit them in any order, and always return to this page if you get turned around.

You can navigate through the | PREVIOUS | NEXT | MASTER | links that are found at the top and bottom of each post, starting with the ones here in the Master List.

Dead See Scroll Call | Master List - Version B 

1. Joy Vernon | joyvernon.com | Sacred Knowledge

2. María Luisa Salazar | losmisteriosdeltarot.com | Conocimiento Sagrado (Sacred Knowledge)

3. Jay Cassels | Sacred Healing Blog | Sacred Knowledge

4. Katalin Patnaik | katalinpatnaik on wordpress | Sacred Knowledge: Samain Tarot Blog Hop

5. Bonnie | quietbonnie.com | The Hunter Hunts for Sacred Knowledge


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