Dashing Through the Master List
1. Joy Vernon | Get Creative with Four Seasonal New Years | Completely Joyous
2. Jay Cassels | Jay's Opus in 3 Acts | Sacred Healer
3. Bonnie | Quiet Mystic | Quiet Bonnie
DATE: Tuesday, December 21st, 2021
TIME: 8pm UTC - use this link to keep track of when the hop goes live.
WHERE: Your blog
WRANGLER: Jay Cassels
SIGNUP DEADLINE: 8pm UTC, December 17, 2021
LIST SHUFFLE: 8pm UTC, December 19, 2021
TOPIC: That Most Wonderful Time of the Wheel
MASTER LIST LINK: https://jcassels.co.uk/dec21
This has been quite the turn of the wheel, has it not? Tarot Blog Hop has been resurrected, and we’ve covered topics as far and as wide, from Sacred Knowledge, Life Balance, and let’s not forget the 24hr Challenge at the Equinox.
This has been quite the turn of the wheel, has it not? Tarot Blog Hop has been resurrected, and we’ve covered topics as far and as wide, from Sacred Knowledge, Life Balance, and let’s not forget the 24hr Challenge at the Equinox.
So, for our last hop of the wheel, I am sleighing down the gauntlet and posing another 24hr challenge. It’s a simple one really, with your favourite deck in one hand, and wand in the other, you have from 8pm UTC on Yule, until 8pm UTC the following day to either explore:
⭐ What Makes this Time of the Wheel Special for you?
⭐ If that doesn't appeal to you, then how about this...
⭐ Do you remember your very first deck? What made it so special?
⭐ As always, if your cards inspire you, allow the theme to take you on a journey.
As is the way with the muses generally, if you feel drawn or inspired to head off on your own journey, then please do go for it, as that is what makes these hops fun. Below is the running order or shuffled list for this turn of the wheel. You can visit them in any order, and always return to this page if you get turned around.
You can navigate through the | PREVIOUS | NEXT | MASTER | links that are found at the top and bottom of each post, starting with the ones here in the Master List.
Dashing Through the Master List
1. Joy Vernon | Get Creative with Four Seasonal New Years | Completely Joyous
2. Jay Cassels | Jay's Opus in 3 Acts | Sacred Healer
3. Bonnie | Quiet Mystic | Quiet Bonnie
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