Cosmic Weather Watch May 14th

Jay Cassels • May 14, 2021

Outlook for May 14th

As soon as I got the notification, I looked at the Schumann Resonance first this time. Looks like we've had a bumpy afternoon of sorts. The SR spike has as you can see been a strong one today, so let's take a look at what's been happening...

The Auroral Activity - May 14th

After the storm on Wednesday, and Thursday's subtle activity; this has been a fairly quiet day, well in terms of the Solar activity. The KP index and the probablility forecast were in the green and registering with a low percentile (15%).

If you haven't come across the KP Index before, this is the Geomagnetic activity for the Globe, it's this value that gives an indication of Aurora sightings and also an indicator of how the energies might be for us as well.

Today has been a quiet one for electromagnetic turbulance, so machinary, technology, and the influences will have been fairly calm.

Lunar Activity - May 14th

As the text at this side indicates, we're into the Waxing Cresent cycle of the Moon's Phases, there is 6% illumination, and there is a definite sense of something building.

Typically for me, and possibly others like me, this is when I am at my most active. As the moon is in Yin, I am in Yang and as the moon becomes full, I go into the resting phase which is Yin.

This is the balance and counter balance for sensatives like myself. Whereas it can be the opposing way for others, so when the Moon is resting, they are resting and clearing. So that when the Moon is full, they are active and doing.

My cycle at this time is to be active and receptive to what is happening within the collective and also myself at the same time. My logic being, if this is happening with me, then there will be others that are having the similar occurences.

Lunar Activity Continued...

Depending on the Yin/Yang Cycle, the Waxing phase can be a tricky one to navigate. This is because different and sometimes challenging truth bombs get thrown at you, and knowing how or what to do with them can be tricky.

Truth can sting, as it can illuminate. To become aware of cicrumstances, or information that may have been there but not in the face, once shown fully or even at this point partially, does sometimes throw a curve ball, and leaves an after taste of "How Do I Deal with This?"

The answers don't always appear instantly or obviously. They usually come at the apex of the Full or New Moon. When it comes knocking for me, it is usually Full Moon and then dealt with during the New Moon phase, which is where I am at this precise moment.

It might be hitting/knocking at the door for others currently, if not then it may end up knocking or banging at the door come the Full Moon, so make use of this resting phase, but keep the eyes and senses open for clues.

Schumann Resonance - May 14th

I've been watching the resonance closely today, as I missed Thursday's spike, even though the signs were pretty much all around me. Today's has been constantly active since 12:00UTC, while the spikes haven't been particularly large, they've been packing some punches none the less.

The biggest increase in activity, has been since 14:00UTC and certainly I could see it playing out around me, here at Blog HQ. The potency of this spike seemed to be bringing up or certainly highlighting some irrational and rational processes within the psyche.

My sense of things suggests that there is something playing out within the collective, possibly some kind of reconciling between conscious and unconscious. There is also a pull to drag certain parts of the past into the now, a bit like wanting the whole cake, rather than just a piece of it.

The trouble is the part in the middle, the part that makes tangible sense and the part that doesn't. On the one hand we collectively know that we can't keep dragging the past along with us into the now, but at that same time, the parts of the past that worked, should be here in the now.

The trouble is that model, that mode of thinking doesn't fit with how things are now. What it evolving now, can't really rely on the past because that doesn't exist now. So the collective, ends up in this cycle of not being able to reconcile what was, with the what is.

The spike has started to calm now, and for the moment at least the collective has reached either an impasse or a stalemate. As at least till 21:00UTC, we're looking at mostly background and low level spikes. 

Which, can be okay, however be on the look out for minor disruptions and flare ups, either around you or within you. Sense check and tread carefully with yourself as well as others.

If it can wait, leave it for the moment. Don't engage with anything that could lead to frictions or resistances.

Background EM Reading - May 14th

Usually I don't look at this in any detail, other than as a gauge for the resonance wave. Today, mostly because of the spike this afternoon, I wanted to quickly sense check what was happening in the background EM.

There are small pockets within the spectrum, that for me, make a little sense as to why I have a constant ringing in the ears, that can't be explained by rational human explanations, by that I mean, waxy build up, loud music, interference from mics etc. 

Within the colour bands of pale yellow and also the deep yellows, there is some EM build up. This upper frequency is where sensatives like myself have a lot of our awareness, so energy build up can create the ringing.

Speaking Metaphysically these upper bands are where a lot of the psychic/non-linear activity is thought to happen. As humans increase their awareness spiritually, emotionally, and also to an extent philosophically, the more aware they are of this part of the EM field.

It is then up to our individual perspective to interpret this within our psyche. Some will debunk and science it away, whereas others will accept some or all of what is received. 

The EM field in the upper frequencies is strongly active at the moment, so on the spiritual/philosophical levels, sensatives and those with strong awareness, are receiving a lot at this time.


Throughout the day, it has been a mix bag between active and passive. The activity until 15:30UTC has been on the whole quiet, and therefore no major disruption. 

While yes there have been spikes within the resonance to contend with, solar activity on the whole has been kinder to us today than the last couple of days. Looking ahead a little beyond 15:30UTC, and there is not much change in the cosmic weather, it seems for the moment settled.

The Schumann Resonance does look as if it is calming, although there is still activity. The latest capture shows some spikes, but the sense from these is slightly unsettled/disquiet for some, not all.

It may hit the confidence a little and cause questions surrounding purpose/worthiness, but it shouldn't last too long, best to try ride the wave and recognise that its not your stuff, its just passing through your way.

If it is yours and the wave triggers, find what works for you coping mechanisms, and make use of them for the time being.


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