Cosmic Weather Watch May 13th

Jay Cassels • May 14, 2021

Outlook for May 13th

Although the weather here in the UK/Scotland was on the cool side for some it, there was a definite underlying current that, while I picked up on it, didn't think at the time was of significance. Seems I was a little remiss to let it slide. Let's take trip a trip with the way back machine and see what was happening...

Solar Activity During May 13th

On the face of it, the Sun's output does look fairly regular; there is no sign of any storms, and the Solar winds do give the impression of being fair to moderate. The probablities also do not show anything of significant value in the physical sense at least.

However, that isn't to say that things were quiet, by all accounts it was quite the opposite, although it wasn't obvious to the naked eye or the awareness. Looking back on some of the reports from Spaceweather's Archive, there was activity but low level. 

An alert for low level storm activity during the 24 hour period after May 12th's Storm front, had been issued, so I suspect that much of what was happening may have come from that. 

Lunar Activity - May 13th

The Moon has started to build its energy up for the full moon on May 26th, which is exactly 13 days from the 13th. As I have mentioned before for me, I see the Moon as the Yin to the Sun's Yang, in other words the inner world of emotions, thoughts, feelings, and subtlies of the unconscious or unseen worlds are governed by the Moon, whereas the outworlds of doing, actions, expressions, and the obvious conscious choices are governed by the Sun.

It would seem that there was a lot of subtle interplay and dymanics of action and reaction manifesting yesterday. That alongisde technical and electronic glitches also playing out. The moon's subtle energy seems to have been interacting with the Sun's active energy.

Schumann Resonance

Date: 13 / 05 /2021

Time: 16:00UTC

This is the first recording that I took a look at, as it gives me an idea of what was happening during the day until 16:00, and by the looks of things there were low level spikes happening really from mid morning right the way through.

At first glance, which I had in the morning it really didn't seem all that potent, mostly just low level and background noise/chatter. Which, is why I didn't spot the spikes as they were coming through at the time.

The first indicator that something was coming through the collective, seems to have been around 10:00UTC, where a small but noticable spike appears. What seems to follow over the next 6 hours are ripples along the collective, playing out in the physical world.

The next big indicator that suggest a sort of climax to events is at 18:00UTC, almost 8 hours later.

Schmann Resonance Continued...

Date: 13/05/2021

Time: 18:00UTC

Looking at the evening spikes, between 18:00 and 19:30UTC, something is playing out. There is a lot of output in terms of storms and lightning activity, which is how the resonance is measured initially. So whatever began in the morning reaches a conclusion by this time. 

The sense check I have done, gives the vibe that a lot of this interplay has been around stripping away the hidden, dropping the pretenses, and maybe even just a touch of speaking the mind going on at the same time.

The counterbalance to this is introversion, this is where deep thoughts, lost in the introspections, and over analysis of your own self is happening. Sometimes it can reveal some needed work but a lot of the time, its about getting lost in the mental worlds and this is where distraction away from the point happens.


This was a very subtle day, energetically speaking; a few below the surface events coming up to the surface and technology, as well as mechanical things flaring up. 

Since, as humans we are also prone to the technical and mechanical issues cropping up, it wouldn't be too much of a surprise to me, if there were health, or energetic matters suddenly appearing out of no-where and needing addressed.

It is always best to sense check what is happening for you and around you first, then see what is happening globally as well after that, as sometimes its not your stuff but the world at large and you've been caught up in the afterwaves. 


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