Cosmic Weather Watch May 12th

Jay Cassels • May 12, 2021

Cosmic Weather for May 12th


Lots of activity both here on the Earth and also in Space. The Sun is particularly active day today, and so the equal reaction is happening here on earth, with some pretty active weather across the UK, but more so here in Scotland.

Stand by for some rapid typing 🙂

Solar Storms & Sun Activity

Earlier this morning I received an alert from Spaceweather, which is an App and Site that I make use of to track the activity of both the Sun and Solar Winds. According to the App, the activity of the sun has increased and over the course of today, we've been having some solar storms. 

Solar Storms are known to increase the Electomagnetic energy upon the earth, in funcational every speak this means that cars, computers, phones, as well as everything else that relies on electricity will be acting up.

A good example is trying to actually get this post typed up. I have had a fight with my site, and Facebook just to get this far. 

It also has an effect on us, as humans too. We have electrical impulses travelling through our bodies all the time, giving the brain and nervous system information about what is happening, its needs, and so on.

Solar Storms, create unique problems for sensatives. In some instances we become hyper connected, as it all our senses are working at once, which is great for problem solving, addressing issues, to name but a couple of benefits.

That said, it does have its pitfalls too, sudden summer colds, flare ups of conditions involving the nerves, cognative thinking, and making decisions. It can also have an effect on the overall health, such as tiredness, increased/decreased appetite, frequency in other biological areas (including sex drive). 

Sensatives to weather related phenomena, may feel like they are out of sorts, likewise super in-tune with everything. It's wise to take it easy with yourself, certainly over this next 24hrs.

Sun's Activity

As you'll notice from both the image of the Northern Hemisphere and the Solar Flare activity image, things are looking good for seeing the Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights. It also means that there is a significant chance that we'll be feeling a bit on the super charged side as well.

This is because as I mentioned in May 10's post, the Solar or Sun activity is a bit like yang to the moons yin (or visa versa), in everyday or functional speak, the sun can be associated with our actions, in place of our thoughts and emotions, which is the Moon's domain.

It's likely that much of today will feel super charged, the senses, the awareness and possibly those under the sun's rule astrologically speaking may feel more unique effects.

Lunar Activity

The Lunar Cycle

The Moon starts its cycle towards becoming Full, in terms of clearance, or for those that are like myself active during this part of the lunar cycle, there is still a lot of potency around.  It does mean that plans, projects, or any personal changes that are needed are still in a good place to be done.

Likewise, for the self reflective, emotive, and thoughtful/heightened moods; there will still be ripples happening within the thoughts, dreams and subconscious. The solar activity, may bring up more that expected, particularly since the energy from these is in a sense disruptive.

Sensitives to energy can find themselves confronted with a lot of self reflections, or revelations if this your active period. It's likely to cast up or inspire, maybe even both.

Schumann Resonance

Shumann Resonance - AM

Just to recap: Schumann Resonance, is generated through global thunderstorms, each lightning hit off the earth creates an energy spike that, while low in power, is able to be measured through the wave it creates. There are well over 100 Thousand storms actively occurring on Earth at any given time, usually in the more tropical and eastern regions. 

The energy wave is thought/believed to have an impact on our unconscious/collective consciousness and the spikes in a manner of speaking, give an impression on how active/inactive this part of ourselves is.

This morning's wave, seemed to be building relatively slowly. That said, between 12 & 1pm, the spike did seem to build towards a release of sorts. It's likely that for those who are aware of energy, it may have created a sense of realisation, a sudden awareness of needed change, or even becoming inspired within the moment.

Imagination, a sense of creative spark or even awakening in the moment are all possible within this kind of spike. 

However, it can also bring out the opposing as well, a sudden overwhelming sense of self-doubt, anger, or aggressive outburst caused by frustration. It can also be a sense of confusion or fighting the loosing battle, thankfully its a temporary state, and should not have lasted very long.

Schumann Resonance - PM

This evening's graph is still fairly active, so while things are calming, both sides the positive or the negative will be swimming around. So it's worth a mention here, that it is possible to opt out or not actively engage with this energy wave. It's a bit like saying not my monkey, not my zoo. 

The Schumann Resonance tends to deal with the collective, rather than the individual. Although both tend to be intermixed in a manner of speaking. In other words one would not be here without the other.

Thing is with the Schumann Resonance, it can be a good indicator of changes in attitude collectively and where the spikes are the largest, its normally a wave of energy coming our way.

The energy itself has a neutral charge, it is neither positive or negative in nature, that happens when it comes into contact with our own energy. However, within the collective unconsciousness, whether you choose to believe in it or not, the wave of energy seems to bring collective issues to the surface, and those that work at that level are in service to clear it.

Right now it is fair to say that there are things coming to the surface, so be mindful of dreams and conversations with your inner worlds, they may give you an idea of what this all means for your own piece of the collective human experience.

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