Cosmic Weather Watch May 10th

Jay Cassels • May 10, 2021

Today's Outlook

Checking in on the Lunar Activity, Schumann Resonance, and Solar Flare Activity for today and everything seems good.

The moon is prepping for renewal, so a dark moon while for me is my active time, for many sensitives can be their clearing phase, typically our own stuff, both internally and with others gets highlighted and "in theory" dealt with but if there is a way to dodge it, be rest assured it can be found.

Solar weather or the Sun's activity, at the moment on the whole is quiet, that said between 2021 and 2025 (roughly speaking) its thought to be on the increase as the sun wakes up from its dormancy (needs validated as I'm going by my memory on this).

Solar or Sun activity is a bit like yang to the moons yin (or visa versa), in everyday or functional speak, the moon deals with our thoughts and the sun deals with actions.

It most likely long term plans will get a boost of energy to get them off the ground, be it personal transformations or business, this new period of activity for the sun, gets things done.

Schumann Resonance, is a curiosity to be honest. Its generated through global thunderstorms, each lightning hit off the earth creates an energy spike that, while low in power, is able to be measured through the wave it creates.

There are well over 100 Thousand storms actively occurring on Earth at any given time, usually in the more tropical and eastern regions. This energy wave is thought/believed to have an impact on our unconscious/collective consciousness.

The spikes in a manner of speaking, give an impression on how active/inactive this part of ourselves is. Right now, well at the time of capture it has been calm. Which is good, as it does give a pause for thought, or time to reflect.

Maybe even observe what is happening for you at this time 🙂

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