Asking Questions

Jay Cassels • September 10, 2021

Receiving Answers...

Just before I start, I'd just like to say that everything is up for discernment, and is either from my experience or given to me by my lot.

The first thing that comes to mind is that when it comes to Crystals, Aligned Self, or Guardians, there are a lot of questions that most beginners and clients will ask at some point or another. So I have decided to turn my answer that I gave to someone via social media into a blog post.

There is a fair amount of information here in my reply, so just to warn you it is a lengthy one, so I'm going to start at the beginning and work my way through till I reach an end.

Why Is it Hard to Explain to Someone How I Work With Crystals?

The root reason why it is hard to put into words explaining how we work with crystals and how we release or transmute pain, trauma, blocks, virus, background programs, isn't down to not having the words, they are there it's trying to put the answer into 3D language.

Crystals primarily talk in light language, which generally speaking our souls don't need to translate. We just know what they are telling us. When we're working on healing with them, whether that is with others, or for our own self. 

What is a Crystal Guardian and Do they have a Function?

So it gets tricky trying to explain this to others in a way that makes sense. The Crystal Guardian has many functions, for example they can act as a bridge, in that they explain what a crystal is saying. Whereas other Guardians are there to hold space, or to teach, just as some are there to protect. Usually a Guardian will tell you or give you a sense of their reason and function.

Are there different types of Guardians, and Where Do they Come From?

There are different types of Guardians, they can be Angelic, Celestial, Elestial, Elemental, Ancestral, or Animus, that is they were once an Animal or Mythical Creature. As to where they reside, Celestials and Elestials don't stay, they typically drop in and out depending on the day. As a group, they each have a function and purpose and are usually only there when needed. 

Each Guardian harmonises with the frequency vibration of the skull or dragon that they are associated with, and in a sense become that dragon or skull. When they are not within it, the skull or dragon will mostly display and react to the properties they have been carved from.

How Do They Facilitate Healing or Removal of Negative Energy Etc?

As to how they transmute and release, well that is very individual to the Guardian itself. Some negate whatever needs to be released, in other words, it's converted into by-products that the body can either repurpose or dispose of naturally.

Others will spin it out, cool it or heat it up. They may induce a really deep healing sleep state and work to release it in there, it is a mixture of biology, chemistry, and physics from a human perspective, from a healer or 5D one, it's removing or releasing it from the etheric body across the four main systems, (mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual).

What is the Aligned or Astral Self?

The aligned or Higher self is one of many Guardians, it stands in protection of our spiritual and etheric body processes. 

It prevents anything untoward from occurring or stops us from giving away our power through permission, even when we believe it is the right thing, which is why sometimes we don't feel that we've received anything or felt anything.

Firstly, and depending on your standpoint, you may need to trust your discernment with this. 

How Does journeying or accompanying others on a journey work?

The higher or astral self does a lot of journeying work. This is because it requires a level of trust, that depending on the facilitator, may need to be developed. 

The deeper work that requires a much greater level of trust, the more it is likely to be the astral self, whereas the less trust that has developed, the more likely the higher self will do the work.

How Does Healing Take Place?

In a nutshell, it is an agreement reached between yourself and the person being healed, this will either be as a proper verbal agreement or one that takes place between the higher or aligned selves of each.

Myth Busting Time...

This is actually a moot point, but it connects in my with learning at the moment, so let's do some myth busting! 

Any facilitator or teacher that suggests a person is not the right person to answer a question, is speaking from a place of pure cop out! We are the right people to answer questions on a topic or subject that we are passionate about. It is sometimes a case of not being able to access the knowledge at that precise moment in time. 

I recall a passage from an Author and Artist, Chris Zydel, who wrote on their social media:

'I have ZERO patience any more for anyone who sets themselves up as a leader or teacher or guide and is not operating out of a place of integrity. I've gotten to a place where I demand a high level of walk-your-talk truth, honour and principle from anyone who takes on that role as a purveyor of wisdom and guidance and knowledge.'

'I don't care how brilliant your teachings  or how enlightened you claim to be or how famous and successful and powerful you are. If I find out that you don't pay your vendors. Or lie to your students or constituents. Or manipulate and exploit your followers, then anything you have to say is tainted and untrustworthy as far as I'm concerned.'

'And I'm not interested in making excuses for people based on the old trope that "they're  just being human." 

I don't expect perfection. But being human and being an asshole are two very different things.'

To me, it is actually okay to say, I don't have that answer right now, but give me a day or two, and I'll come back to you. 

It's more authentic than some lecturer sowing a program that undermines their student. Shows more about them than about you or the other students, to be blunt.

Parting Words...

Lastly, when asking questions to the higher aspect of yourself. The replies, those answers, the very initial ones that came through are the right ones for you. 

Everything is pure discernment, sometimes words or people might be right, but others may jangle with you, and to be honest that is fine.

In this work right and wrong don't matter, as for what does matter, well it is what you believe, and feel works for you. If you ever struggle to explain something, or find it difficult to put it a better way. 

Then remember the best way is to keep it simple. Don't aim for lengthy explanations. I've done this post because my shorthand, and my team's shorthand, usually leaves jaws hanging and on occasion bits of brain matter over the ceiling.

Well, hopefully this hasn't been too wordy, nonsensical, or otherwise. My hope is that you have found something useful in it.

Jay :-)


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