Myth Busting Time...
This is actually a moot point, but it connects in my with learning at the moment, so let's do some myth busting!
Any facilitator or teacher that suggests a person is not the right person to answer a question, is speaking from a place of pure cop out! We are the right people to answer questions on a topic or subject that we are passionate about. It is sometimes a case of not being able to access the knowledge at that precise moment in time.
I recall a passage from an Author and Artist, Chris Zydel, who wrote on their social media:
'I have ZERO patience any more for anyone who sets themselves up as a leader or teacher or guide and is not operating out of a place of integrity. I've gotten to a place where I demand a high level of walk-your-talk truth, honour and principle from anyone who takes on that role as a purveyor of wisdom and guidance and knowledge.'
'I don't care how brilliant your teachings or how enlightened you claim to be or how famous and successful and powerful you are. If I find out that you don't pay your vendors. Or lie to your students or constituents. Or manipulate and exploit your followers, then anything you have to say is tainted and untrustworthy as far as I'm concerned.'
'And I'm not interested in making excuses for people based on the old trope that "they're just being human."
I don't expect perfection. But being human and being an asshole are two very different things.'
To me, it is actually okay to say, I don't have that answer right now, but give me a day or two, and I'll come back to you.
It's more authentic than some lecturer sowing a program that undermines their student. Shows more about them than about you or the other students, to be blunt.