Tarot Blog Hop 42: Conclusion

Jay Cassels • March 20, 2022

Tarot Blog Hop: 42

Ostara Tarot Blog Hop:

Endless Quests

I hope this journey has been as facinating for you as it has been for me to write. Exploring the hidden and secret history within the Tarot, is not something I have done in full. Over the previous hops, my posts have looked at elements, and discussed aspects as well as their meanings but not actually the journey the physical cards have made.

I haven't taken the time to appreciate the secret history of the world that each card contains, and the hidden language of that cards journey. However, thanks to Ciro Marchetti's work and illistrations, that is exactly what I have been able to do.

However, there is one last element that I would like to explore from these decks, which is new to Tarot and yet it fits with the ethos, journey and history these decks have been able to tell.

Previous Page

Recently as I gathered the missing decks, I started to noticed that as well as some of the decks following the journey of the Marseilles Tarot, there was another addition that first appeared in 2015's Tarot of Dreams. It then reappeared in 2021's Tarot Decoratif, which is both a homage to the 1920's Art Deco period but also the Marseilles journey as well.

The card in question is called the Palace, it belongs in the Minor Arcana, and to be honest could either be at the start or end of a suit, because of its nature. The other card which caught my attention only appears within the 2015's Tarot of Dreams, and is called the Tree of Life.

Encore in

The Palace of Dreams

The Palace or Palais of the Suit is not common in many decks, this is because it is unique to Ciro Marchetti; reading up on its background, I find myself even more encapsulated. Before I even touch on the meanings, and how the card works within readings, let's consider how it fits into the background and history of the journey Tarot has had thus far.

Considering how many cultures have added their history and linage to Tarot, it's not that surprising to find the Palace within it. The card itself speaks to house and home, but across the four body system, that the cards can represent if you choose to let them.

So the four body system represents; the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual. To link them into the minor cards you could say that, physical are wands, emotions are cups, mental are coins, and spiritual are swords, you could also argue that cups are spiritual, however water can be associated with the emotions, and wands are wood that help to build things in the physical world, where swords are associated with the air, and metal both of which are considered spiritual entities.

The Palace as house or home, in many cultures the home no matter what shape it takes, can be considered the seat of power for the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies. Therefore, the Palace again can be seen as an important aspect of a deck, as the Minor Arcana, holds just the same amount of hidden power and knowledge as the Major, sometimes more if you look closely.


Tree of Dreaming Knowledge

Lastly the Tree of Knowledge, it has origins in almost every culture; although it is mostly known from the Kabbalah. A mystical tradition that is rooted in Jewish lore. 

It's meaning is mysticism or occult knowledge, and its teachings relate to the essence of God. The core belief is that through knowledge and knowing we can understand the mysterious ways of the Divine or in this case God.

The card is teaching us about the power of our dreams, and the mysterious inner workings of the self as seen through the eyes of the divine. 

Parting of the Ways


New Frontiers

Well that's us at the end of another hop, and it has been a pleasure to take you on this journey into hidden histories and secret stories.

As I part company with you, I leave you with a passing thought:

It makes sense that Tarot has become this amazing phenomena. It has such a rich culture and history, full of hidden messages, and secrets, that we will never fully uncover.

This is perhaps because the nature of Tarot is hidden within our Dreams. After all Tarot itself has travelled through the realms and worlds not only of the physical but also spiritual as well.

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Thanks for Hopping By, and see you for the Next Cycle.


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