The Palace or Palais of the Suit is not common in many decks, this is because it is unique to Ciro Marchetti; reading up on its background, I find myself even more encapsulated. Before I even touch on the meanings, and how the card works within readings, let's consider how it fits into the background and history of the journey Tarot has had thus far.
Considering how many cultures have added their history and linage to Tarot, it's not that surprising to find the Palace within it. The card itself speaks to house and home, but across the four body system, that the cards can represent if you choose to let them.
So the four body system represents; the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual. To link them into the minor cards you could say that, physical are wands, emotions are cups, mental are coins, and spiritual are swords, you could also argue that cups are spiritual, however water can be associated with the emotions, and wands are wood that help to build things in the physical world, where swords are associated with the air, and metal both of which are considered spiritual entities.
The Palace as house or home, in many cultures the home no matter what shape it takes, can be considered the seat of power for the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies. Therefore, the Palace again can be seen as an important aspect of a deck, as the Minor Arcana, holds just the same amount of hidden power and knowledge as the Major, sometimes more if you look closely.
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