Tarot Blog Hop 42

Jay Cassels • March 20, 2022

Tarot Blog Hop: 42

Things Hidden:

Ostara Tarot Blog Hop

Welcome to the 42nd edition of The Tarot Blog Hop, yep that's right a whopping 42 posts dedicated to the worlds, themes, and inspirations that come from Tarot and Oracle cards. If you are unfamiliar with hopping, then take a look at this post, which will explain it all to you.

Our Tarot Blog Hop group, made up of Tarot readers, enthusiasts, and creators together are creating new and sometimes scary topics and challenges!

For this turn of the 2022 Wheel, it is a pleasure to welcome into the wrangling fold Bonnie Juettner Fernandes of Quiet Mystic 

Our topic is detailed below...

What if you, an adult, were hunting for "Easter eggs," in real life? What eggs would you like to find? What eggs are out there waiting for you that you haven't even thought to look for? 

As you unpack this metaphor, consider as well the "Easter eggs" that developers put into computer code. And/or, consider: What eggs are you called to develop and place for others to find? 

Answer via a tarot spread, of course, or in some other cartomancy-related way. Be creative! Get messy!

If you look into the history of Ostara, the name we have often used for the spring solstice holiday, based on the little I can find, it seems pretty sketchy. Ostara, as a goddess, is an obscure one who may or may not have existed historically. 

Theme: Easter Eggs

I propose that the blog hop focus on the tradition that many people follow of coloring and hiding eggs for children to find--or, if you're a software developer, of putting "Easter eggs" in your code as a surprise for those who can find them. 

No matter how dubious the Easter egg tradition may be (even on the level of basic logic: bunnies laying eggs? bunnies delivering eggs to children? what? why would they? who thought of this?), it IS fun to hide things and look for them. It's a variation on hide and seek, which itself is perhaps a variation on peek-a-boo.

Theme: Surprises / Things Hidden

It also invites us to notice changes in our environment... If some tiny detail in your world changed, if an egg appeared on your windowsill, how long would it take you to notice? If you were to find an unexpected surprise somewhere, what would you like it to be? 

If you were to find an unexpected surprise, for the collective, what would you like it to be? What unexpected surprises would you like to offer to the collective? (I don't know if people still do this, but there was a movement at one time of people leaving books in public places for others to randomly find.) 

You may think of other variations on this theme, too, of course. For example, what stories contain "Easter eggs" that we often don't think about but that are, in fact, just sitting there for us to notice?

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