Tarot Blog Hop 18

Jay Cassels • September 29, 2020

Tarot Blog Hop Solstice 2018

Welcome to the Tarot Blog Hop here on Sacred Healer Blog, if your not familiar with the trend; A Blog Hop is where a group of people from all around the cyber verse, gather and write.

As the name suggests this is a hop that surrounds Tarot & Oracle Cards. Just when you thought it was safe, this turn of the wheel has dealt a hand that means it is my kind self that has Wrangler position again. Should you get a bit lost in the hop, then just refer to the Master List that you find on a Blog Hop post. 

The topic for this round of the hops is 'Don't Fence Me In!' Yes! Another musical blog hop! But take it any direction you like. Just tie it in to tarot!

Some brainstorming ideas for you:

What cards make you feel fenced in versus free? Which tarot character would sing this song for karaoke night? What cards tell the story in the song? Tell us about your favorite summer outdoor activity and what cards you would use to describe it?

Share your favorite cowboy songs and the cards that might match them, Share your favorite cowboy camping-under-the-stars recipes with cards, Design a tarot spread for wandering the wide open country or make a video of you performing the song!

Totally let the topic go over your head and write about the sport of Épée fencing and the tarot suit of Swords, Do you have any odd personal stories about this song? Tell it in tarot cards!  Track the esoteric symbolism that ties this song into the summer solstice via tarot, astrology, and qabalah ;)

Feel totally unfenced! You’re free to ride off into whatever open lands this topic spurs in you, just take your tarot cards along!

Solstice 2018



It's that time again, where we all gather around our computers and websites, feverishly typing to the last second. If you're new to all of this then you may wonder to what I am referring, and as the seasoned professionals know all to well, its time for the Solstice Tarot Blog Hop.

This one is an unofficial-official sequel to the anniversary blog hop, in which the fabulous Mistress of Ceremonies and Cats; Joy Vernon has opened up the blog-hop-is-sphere to be inspired by the song "Don't Fence Me In" as you'll discover later in this hop, I have already done a universal take on this one, so now I am looking at it from a different perspective.

The core idea I ran with for this was to do with boundaries, the title "Don't Fence Me In" struck an odd cord, and in this article I am going to take time and explore this...

By now you'll be aware that many posts from my old site have been moved to my Sacred Healer Blog here on Jay Cassels. 

However, every sequel has a plot twist! 

This article is one of the many that didn't survive the update on my old Jay Cassels site.

 In typical me fashion, I had a backup, albeit a bit raw. So some of this may feel out of context.

If you have read my other articles for the Blog hop then you'll know I am not one for pre-selecting my cards. 

The closest I come to that is putting the call out to the decks in my room and wait to see which one will answer, surprisingly the one that answered was my Crystal Tarot. 

It has sat on the self dormant and content since I was gifted it some 10-12 years ago now; but yet today it sprung to life alongside the Crystal Oracle deck, which you will have or will see on the other post

I have never worked with this deck until today! Now how I work with decks on blog hops is blind-reading. 

No! Not shut my eyes and hope for the best (honestly, your sense of humour is almost as bad as my own) but rather shuffle, cut and then deal usually a set amount of cards and scan them in. 

It is only at that point I see the selected cards and then I typically wait until I am writing things up before I link in and receive the information.

For this blog hop, there are three cards in order of scan and I have set the intention for this to be as broad spectrum as possible, in other words where normally I cast my net into the personal and write it up, this time it is for the whole collective. 

It's not really a past, present, what's to come, but rather about the boundaries, the vale falling and the energy that is about to be released and renewed, as oh-gods, gods, old gods, goddesses, and new-gods knows we're due!

Okay so let's get started; there are loads of ripples and inclusions on this card...

Rhodochrosite, first of looking at the properties of the stone; it's a heart stone because of its pink colour, this is a stone that is healing on many layers from the surface down into the soul. 

Its very much a loving stone, so with love comes acceptance and therefore its perhaps time that as a collective started to consider embracing all walks and styles of life. 

Plus calling out that which is unacceptable, depending on how you see that it can mean attitudes close to home, in the work environment or across the board within the community. 

It can also be about acceptance of ourselves and our beautiful imperfections. Just because you don't agree with someone doesn't mean you need to get prissy about it, own it and then resolve it like the adult you are - which is a tough one to do, because sometimes it means stepping into your power and other times it means stepping out of the way of another's without confrontation! That is one of the biggest challenges.

As it's also the Page of Cups, we're dealing with young minds and naivety. Many of the younger aspects of our collective haven't even realised they are alive, let alone part of something bigger; for the most part the extent of their understanding is whether they look good on camera, but yet at the same time before they are ingratiated into that mindset some of the most wisest of words and simplicity of the way our world truly is comes from them. 

Perhaps on the flip side of this the Page is suggesting, lets get back to simply being!

Iron is also called Pyrite, which can also be Fools Gold, but there is nothing foolish at this time. 

Iron is protecting the collective from a lot more than is getting through at the moment, but its grounding a great deal at the same time, which is why to some degree there are turn-a-rounds, back peddling but also a lot more standing ground and standing up as well. 

With this being the King Card and of the Wands, the power and indeed fire if left unchecked or indeed just left unfocused or unharnessed tends to get a bit out of control, which is the Yin to the Yang of what is happened in the world right now.

Chrysocolla is the balance card, and it is also the teaching card; so here at the solstice, where cycles are coming to their end...

Right or wrongly, it is time for us to be taught lessons and this feels very much on the collective aspect, for those that tap into that energy, we've got a higher vibration of sentient energies coming in to work with a number of different but pure people. 

It feels very much like your either there or your not, but while that is happening on the surface and down to some depth, there is benefit to all. 

Not everyone is meant to dig deep and deal with the tricky stuff, its either not the pathway or its not the right incarnation, whether you believe in that side of things or not.

Rounding off this is the question, well who gets to decide that? - there are many out there who feel its their self-serving purpose to be at the centre of everything (to some degree)

I decided to pose the question to the Dreams of Gaia Tarot Deck, the sense I get from this deck is that names, values and attributes that would classically matter just don't. 

They just aren't designed for the traditionalist or puritan mindsets, they're a soul deck.

6 of Water: Answers the question, who decides these things and its a two tier answer, on the surface its the collective, the universe or whatever name you wish to give the all that is. 

However going deeper into that card, its also the aligned self that is making that call, its the aspect that isn't incarnate, it exists outside of time, space and causality to act as guardian as well as custodian of our chosen path, no matter what that is. 

Destiny isn't some big huge karmic or dharma deal but merely the pathway of lessons that any given soul takes, its what gives us purpose, knowingly or not.

Well thanks for hopping here on Sacred Healer Blog, please do make sure to visit my fellow Bloggers using the links above and below.

If you are feeling generous, do leave me a comment as well.


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