Okay so let's get started; there are loads of ripples and inclusions on this card...
Rhodochrosite, first of looking at the properties of the stone; it's a heart stone because of its pink colour, this is a stone that is healing on many layers from the surface down into the soul.
Its very much a loving stone, so with love comes acceptance and therefore its perhaps time that as a collective started to consider embracing all walks and styles of life.
Plus calling out that which is unacceptable, depending on how you see that it can mean attitudes close to home, in the work environment or across the board within the community.
It can also be about acceptance of ourselves and our beautiful imperfections. Just because you don't agree with someone doesn't mean you need to get prissy about it, own it and then resolve it like the adult you are - which is a tough one to do, because sometimes it means stepping into your power and other times it means stepping out of the way of another's without confrontation! That is one of the biggest challenges.
As it's also the Page of Cups, we're dealing with young minds and naivety. Many of the younger aspects of our collective haven't even realised they are alive, let alone part of something bigger; for the most part the extent of their understanding is whether they look good on camera, but yet at the same time before they are ingratiated into that mindset some of the most wisest of words and simplicity of the way our world truly is comes from them.
Perhaps on the flip side of this the Page is suggesting, lets get back to simply being!