Tarot Blog Hop 17

Jay Cassels • September 29, 2020

Tarot Blog Hop

Beltane 2018

Welcome to the Tarot Blog Hop, here on Sacred Healer Blog, if your not familiar with the trend; A Blog Hop is where a group of people from all around the cyber verse, gather and write.

As the name suggests this is a hop that surrounds Tarot & Oracle Cards. Just when you thought it was safe, this turn of the wheel has dealt a hand that means it is my kind self that has Wrangler position again. Should you get a bit lost in the hop, then just refer to the Master List that you find on a Blog Hop post. 

The topic for this round of the hops is 'What lesson I can (could) teach the world...'; which can be defined like this:

"At this point, the wrangler is supposed to say something stirring and inspirational..."

"Give some examples...but honestly, he has nothing outside of the idea. So connect the idea to the Tarot, somehow, even if it is only using the Tarot to illustrate your blog post."

Beltane 2018

⭐🌜⭐ Who Teaches the Teacher?⭐🌜⭐


This month had fallen at the same time 2nd anniversary. We were headed to celebrate in Dundee, Scotland. I was designated driver, and the journey was a long one. So before I say anything else, I am really sorry to my fellow TBHer's, this was the first time I had ever scheduled my post...

Morgan Drake Eckstein of Gleamings from the Dawn on Blogspot set this month's topic in which he posed us this idea: What lesson I can (could) teach the world... Which in all honesty has all the hall-markings of synchronicity at work.

I had my own reading done on Tuesday passed and in it this subject appeared. The idea of becoming a trainer/teacher is something that I have flirted before. 

I have taught development, Reiki, Angelic Reiki but also recently I have taught an Introduction to Crystals and last week as well an introduction to the Runes, but it got me thinking about who taught me...

Truthfully, no-one taught me how to do any of this, I had to go out and figure this out on my own. 

However to say that no one taught me isn't accurate, I got given plenty of help from the Commonality or the Collective, Upstairs also gave me a huge push in the right direction as well, although these days I tend to work with Source directly, but I have been told I have a team up there as well.

So while no one physically taught me, I was getting taught at the same time. In recent years I have found that I have been given the chance to learn from some amazing souls. They have taught me about healing, massage and also about other things as well. 

Now it looks as if I am about to embark on a my teaching training certificate, so that people with the keen interest that I had, might finally find someone who can help them find their path.

Thank you for stopping by! I am sorry that this has been a short one this time around. 

It is partially holiday/anniversary timing but also in part because I have no idea if the whole scheduling will work, it is the first time I have tried it...


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