Tarot Blog Hop: Solstice 2022

Jay Cassels • June 21, 2022

⭐🌜⭐ Tarot Blog Hop ⭐🌜⭐

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Pintrest: Servant of the Crows -

Solstice 2022

Unseen Traditions / Symbols of Protection


DATE: Tuesday, June 21st, 2022

TIME: 7pm UTC - use this link to keep track of when the hop goes live.

WHERE: Your blog

WRANGLERJay Cassels 

SIGNUP DEADLINE: 8pm UTC, June 17, 2022

LIST SHUFFLE: 8pm UTC, June 19, 2022

TOPIC: Unseen Traditions / Symbols of Protection

MASTER LIST LINK: https://jcassels.co.uk/soltice22

Common practices at Litha, besides feasts & fires, had to do with protecting oneself from unseen forces.

Welcome to the Summer Solstice Tarot Blog,

I'm Jay your wrangler extraordinaire for this one, as you may or may not know Joy Vernon of
Completely Joyous and I have brought the hops back to life after a period of quiet. Our hops have taken on various forms, from a 24-hour marathon, to the standard hour.

Before we get into the topic for this round, if you are new to the hop, or haven't done it in a while, then be sure to check out the
Rules on the Group and FAQ's here on the site as well.

Remember, you can navigate your way through each blog using the PREVIOUS | MASTER | NEXT links at the top, middle, or bottom of a post. As the idea of a blog hop is very much like a round-robin or circle, you will eventually end up back where you started.

There is also a running order or Master List, which is where you are at the moment. The list is at the bottom of this page, so be sure to check it out if you get lost at any point in your journey.

Okay, that does it for the ground rules / in case of emergency part of the post, let's get into the topic...

Solstice 2022 Blog Hop


The Summer Solstice, which can also be known as Litha celebrates the longest day of the year. This has always been thought of as the turning point in the year. It is the time when the Oak King surrenders his reign to his brother the Holly King and the days become shorter. The feasts and festivals of Litha involved bonfires, dancing, fresh fruits, and honey cakes.

These celebrations marked the triumph of light over darkness, ever in the knowledge that darkness would eventually overtake the light. Bringing shorter days and longer nights, although only be temporary, because light and long days would come again.

Besides the feasts and fires, many of the common practices at Litha had to do with protecting oneself from unseen forces, as it was thought that the supernatural beings, that were newly awakened at Beltane could be mischievous or do great harm by Litha, as they have grown in strength.

Many rituals performed for protection involved woven Sun wheels from stalks, however, throughout the longest day of the year and especially as part of the celebration for Litha, many chose to marry, or have hand-fasting rituals.

Source: World History - Wheel of the Year

Unseen Traditions / Symbols of Protection

From the Oak trees, to Mistletoe, Bonfires to Hand-fasting, there are many traditions surrounding the Summer Solstice and the transition from light into dark.

Whether you know your herbs, or your planets, deities to cards, I'd like you to explore the idea of either Unseen Traditions, or Symbols of Protection.

Both paths are relevant to the worlds and mythos of the Tarot, Runes, and Oracles. So how do you protect yourself and others during a reading, whether this is physically or spiritually, emotionally or mentally, how do you keep yourself and others safe?

If that doesn't work for you then, what traditions have you developed for working with your cards, have you picked up habits from others, or do you pass along your habits to students if you have them.

As always you're welcome to take a thread, or an idea from something that is written here, or if you have an idea of your own that you want to run with that's perfect, as long as it links to the Solstice and the Topic in some way.

If you are struggling to connect with this topic, then try this link from The Goddess & The Green Man for some inspiration.


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