Before You Begin...
To do this spread effectively, you will need the following:
- A Deck of Tarot Cards
- A Journal to Make Notes
- Time to Practice
Step 1: Divide the Cards
- Take your chosen Tarot Cards, and seperate the Major and Minor Decks.
The Major Arcana have 22 cards, if you are not certain which is the major and minor, here is a good rule of thumb to go by:
- Major Deck: 22 cards starting with The Fool and ends with The World.
- Minor Deck: 56 cards featuring Ace to King in Cups, Wands, Swords, and Pentacles.
Step 2: Shuffle the Major and Discard the Minor
- Discard the Minor 56 Deck and Shuffle the 22 Major Deck
Shuffling is important for a few reasons:,
- It mixes the cards together to prevent them being in chronological numerical order, this is a purely practical reason, but it is functional and effective.
- Clears the energy from any previous card reading sessions. It is important for the cards to be clear of any influences, as you want a clear channel and a clear reading.
- Gives you time to set an intention and connect with the deck. It is important to connect with the deck, you are looking for an answer either for yourself or another, without an intention or connection, the cards will be aimless, and you'll not get a good result.
Step 3: Preparing to do the Single Card Spread
- Birth Data: Adding Day, Month, and Year
1. Begin by adding the digits.
Add your date, month and year together, let's use the date I wrote this as our working example: 05/01/2022, as a mathmatic sum it looks like this:
0+5+0+1+2+0+2+2 = 12
The answer is above 9, so add the digits together, which as a mathematical sum would look like this:
The final answer should be a single digit between 1 & 9.
2. Finding the Corresponding Card.
In the Birth Card Spread, the final card between 1 & 9 has a buddy or corresponding card. In certain circumstances there may be two cards.
However, in our working example above, we have 12 and 3. Unlike the Single Card Draw
from the previous page, its not the third and twelfth card from the shuffle, but rather the third and twelfth card in chronological order (see below).
3. The Major Arcana List
01/10: Magician/Wheel of Fortune
02/11: High Priestess/Justice
03/12: Empress/Hanged Man
04/13: Emperor/Death
05/14: Hierophant/Temperance
06/15: Lovers/Devil
07/16: Chariot/Tower
08/17: Strength/Star
09/18: Hermit/Moon
01/10/19: Magician/Wheel of Fortune/Sun
02/20: High Priestess/Judgement
03/21: Empress/World
0 - The Fool: If you have a situation where there is no corresponding card, for example your data adds up to 22 and above, then your buddy or corresponding card should be the fool.