Tarot Blog Hop 41

Jay Cassels • January 31, 2022

Tarot Blog Hop: 41

Poetry Corner:

Tarot Blog Hop Style

Welcome to the 41st edition of The Tarot Blog Hop, yep that's right a whopping 41 posts dedicated to the worlds, themes, and inspirations that come from Tarot and Oracle cards. If you are unfamiliar with hopping, then take a look at this post, which will explain it all to you.

Our Tarot Blog Hop group, made up of Tarot readers, enthusiasts, and creators together are creating new and sometimes scary topics and challenges!

For this first turn of the New 2022 Wheel, It was Joy Vernon of Completely Joyous That set the topic, which is detailed below...

The season of Imbolc is associated with the Goddess Brigid: poet, metalsmith, and healer. Imbolc is also a time of the germination of seeds as the earliest of spring flowers start to grow. 

In honor of poet Brigid and of the potential held in seeds, we are writing short form tarot interpretations, seeds of cards, through poetry or other brief forms. 

Theme: Short Form Card Interpretations

Shall we hop for Imbolc? During the last hop we brainstormed an idea for a poetry hop. The challenge is to explore cards through short form interpretations, particularly very short poems such as haiku. The idea is to capture the seed, the tiny essence, of a card. The use of haiku is a suggestion only. Short form interpretations could be written in any of the following styles: limericks, knock-knock jokes, poetic metaphors, etc. Or could even include quotes from literature, movies, or songs:

  • Choose three cards to interpret in the short format of your choice.
  • Do a three card spread
  • Just select three cards by reason or random

Introduction as well as additional explanation or interpretation would have to be limited as well, to a 500 word count total for the post, as always if the muses speak, then let them flow, and go with what the 'feels' gives you...

I do love a challenge, as you may have noticed. This time I have based my ideas around Antigonish (I met a man who wasn't there) by Hughes Mearns

The Fool, The Hermit and Death

The Fool, is a man who has no fear, 

His care-free abandon, takes him near, 

That mountain side, its cliff face danger, 

To this wrecklessness, he is no stranger!

A Wise Hermit, did try to warn him,

The foolish man laughed, and leapt off on a whim,

And he tumbled down, till all went black,

Death roared with laughter, as he lay on his back,

The Fool knew he was dead, alas he was dead,

The Wheel did turn turn, and The Fool felt dread....

Today, upon the mountain side,

A Fool did wonder filled with pride, 

What choice will this one make today, 

The Hermit watched, as Death did play...

To leave me a comment, visit Jay Cassels Page on Facebook and look for the pinned post, or if the widget has worked, why not try the Facebook Comments below.

Thanks for Hopping By, and see you for the Next Cycle.


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